PA Guy

...and turn down the volume on the scoreboard because it is way too loud. Please get rid of the 1990's ..."and that's another Golden Gopher 1st Down!". That has to be the most annoying crowd booster. Please come up with another way to get everyone excited about the first down.
I guess history does repeat itself. We have this thread and complaints about the 1st down cheer every year.

I guess history does repeat itself. We have this thread and complaints about the 1st down cheer every year.

We had the same threads complaining about Dave Lee week after week and no one complained about them.;)

I guess history does repeat itself. We have this thread and complaints about the 1st down cheer every year.

And we have people who complain about the people who complain about the 1st down cheer every year.

Listen, I don't like the ads either, but until we start selling out every game and getting more donations, get used to it.

Nokomis, I think you can take that position with a lot of stuff. But not this. College fans don't want their teams treated like NFL lite. If the department can't support itself without cramming ads down the throats of its core supporters (because that's about where we're at right now) then it needs to take a long hard look at if it is trying to support too much.

I've never been a supporter of "cut the non-revenues, throw that money at football, and everything will be ok". I am however coming around on "if you can't support 25 sports without bombarding your season ticket holders with non-stop ads every spare second you have then maybe 25 sports is too many".

Please get rid of the 1990's ..."and that's another Golden Gopher 1st Down!". That has to be the most annoying crowd booster.
No, Wisky fans repeating their PA guy like a cult or any of the many wildcat roars or the Purdue train whistle are all worse. Sorry.

Use the entire scoreboard also. After a TD they only flash the words touchdown on a full screen. Great time to use a full replay.
I don't know if it's a MN thing or a big ten thing but why not show questionable call replays. Maybe its just MN nice.

The use of the scoreboard for replays is a simple sign of how out of whack things have become. If you can't pull the ads down for 10 seconds to improve the fan experience then you've gone too far.

The no replay of a close call or penalty thing isn't only MN, it's everyone.

Going with "That was a Manley pass out of bounds" just to get a giggle was unprofessional and embarrassing. Acting like clowns makes for a circus.

I emailed Maturi a link to this thread, and he said he appreciated it and told me he would forward it to the Game Management Staff.

No, Wisky fans repeating their PA guy like a cult or any of the many wildcat roars or the Purdue train whistle are all worse. Sorry.
you certianly have the right to think that. on the bright side, I have never heard the PA guy read an add in the last 15 years at Camp Randall that I can recall.

on the bright side, I have never heard the PA guy read an add in the last 15 years at Camp Randall that I can recall.
Then you haven't been paying attention. There are ads over the PA at CR. Just not nearly as many. Ads aren't the PA guy's fault. They are the fault of the athletic department.

Then you haven't been paying attention. There are ads over the PA at CR. Just not nearly as many. Ads aren't the PA guy's fault. They are the fault of the athletic department.

The athletic department should hire someone different and totally change their approach to advertising at the games. Step one is put a great product on the field and make the experience outstanding. Step two is make money. They are putting the cart before the horse. The symptom is the PA guy. He needs to go, and they need an entire overhaul of gameday. I assume this will be something that coach Kill will address after the season as well, because apparently he's the only guy at the U that gets it.

...and if I want to see the danceline I'll go to a performance. How about running some highlights of other games during those long media timeouts?

I think the ads are another factor playing into the lack of student interest. It is not very entertaining when at every dead point you have to listen to come crappy ad or something no one cares about. If your a student and not that into football to begin with, your going to the game for the fun atmosphere. listening to ad after ad after ad after ad after ad after ad is not fun. Let the band play some songs and get some stuff going in the student section. I seriously don't understand how this is such a difficult concept for the U to grasp

*also increase the noise of the band, they aren't nearly loud enough.

Guys, I get that the ads suck, and I agree. But there's NOTHING we can do to change that.. Those ads give the U a chance to pay the bills. Deal with it. Oh, and it's not the PA guys fault, so stop blaming him.

I saw on the UMMB's Facebook that the PA guy was leaving for Boston.. Not sure if it's the same guy that is our PA in TheBank or what. Thought that was an interesting bit of info.

If it is true.. Lets at least give the new guy a break about his ads.

I am pretty sure most schools don't get *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# on with ads as bad as the U does. It's not just the ads either, all of the stupid little stories they do about the U in the community or whatever don't help either.

Penny Wise - Pound Foolish

I'm in total agreement that the commercial atmosphere that's developed is 100% the wrong approach. It's penny wise and pound foolish. Sadly, it was the same way at Williams Arena last Winter. The constant barrage of corny ads is embarassing for anyone that has attended an event with a real college atmosphere. People don't say "Gee, I really enjoyed that Salted Nut Roll ad. I can't wait to bring the kids to the next game." No, they return to games to visit with neighbors they only see during the season, listen to the band, and cheer familiar refrains with like minded fans. The love affair people have with the Gator Chomp, Hail to the Victors, The Seminole's Flaming Spear, Rocky Top and dotting of the I at Ohio State were not developed by selling ads.

I am pretty sure most schools don't get *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# on with ads as bad as the U does. It's not just the ads either, all of the stupid little stories they do about the U in the community or whatever don't help either.

Maybe not as bad as our school gets barraged, but Nebraska get's a bunch of ads on their PA/big screen as well.. And they are freakin' NEBRASKA.

Down by 14 to a team you were supposed to beat by three touchdowns, the Gopher quarterback fumbles and the ball forward, it is recovered past the sticks...."and thet's another Golden Gopher First Down!"

...and if I want to see the danceline I'll go to a performance. How about running some highlights of other games during those long media timeouts?

Are you seriously saying what I think you're saying? You don't want the dance team to perform at the games?

I completely agree with all the comments made by Section2 concerning the embarrassing first down chant we have had to put up with since the dome days. I don't care if other universities use a PA announcer as a cheerleader, I just don't want it done here. It's unprofessional. We have a new stadium, a new coach and hopefully we'll start a new tradition of winning. Let's do it without the artificial PA hype and go for some class.
Also, the constant bombardment of ads seemed to reach a new high last Saturday. Hell, I wouldn't mind sitting in peace for a few moments during the ever more prevalent TV time outs, although I know that's a thing of the past. So much for old Memorial Stadium memories. :)

When they installed the big screen at TCF, I believe it was the second largest in the nation behind Texas. Here is Texas' for some perspective. Notice any similarities?


People are just looking for a scapegoat. Jamie does a fine job as a PA announcer. He's even better at hockey then he is at football.

Like other said, he is not responsible for the ads. Blame Maturi, or the marketing department, but don't blame the PA guy because he does the ads he is told to do.

As for the ad during the play, that was mistiming by the BTN and the red hat guy. They were the ones coming back from commercials early which is why somethings appeared to be late, like the ad during play, and the dance team false start. The pa guy has a script in front of him, and again, its not his fault if things are changed and he isn't told.

Like everyone rational has said, its a whole gameday operations issue. Poor communication, poor scheduling on inbetween timeout activities, and then the copious amount of ads. I guarantee you that unless some big donor steps up and donates multiple million dollars to cover the missing revenue achieved from the gameday ads, they will continue. Its all about the $$.

Re: Jamie does a fine job as a PA announcer

That's BS; the guy is terrible and they need to replace him. The fact that he continued an ad while the game was going on proves his imcompetence.

Down by 14 to a team you were supposed to beat by three touchdowns, the Gopher quarterback fumbles and the ball forward, it is recovered past the sticks...."and thet's another Golden Gopher First Down!"

They're still doing that??... Ughh.

The first down cheer isn't going anywhere. Nor should it. It's something that people actually participate in.

The first down cheer isn't going anywhere. Nor should it. It's something that people actually participate in.

Yup...and you can hear the announcers and crowd doing the same thing at about 90% of the college and NFL games that you watch on TV too.

He needs to stop trying to pump up the crowd on a crucial offensive down. That kept pissing me off.

I noticed a number of changes this year:

1. The vendors that used to be on the upper walkway all appear to be gone.

2. The blathering from the PA guy and scoreboard was a lot more like the objectionable Williams Arena experience than the past two seasons at TCF. The band played less. At Williams later in the game when the inventory of Subway, Snickers, and Cenex ads were used up, the band would play more. They did not run out of ads at TCF on Saturday and the band was silent.

3. Last year the set up some speakers and partially miked the band directing the sound up in to the student sections, much like what the USC band had going last week. That was gone this year, and the band was hard to hear after I moved to upper level after halftime.

4. All the talk about this spread system being a run first offense wasn't true for week one. This had a Dunbar like quality to it. If they had lined up and run the ball 60 times, they probably would have won.

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