PA Guy

Funny...I had the same feeling reading your post wondering why I wasted 15 seconds reading those four lines of whiny bitching....

Clearly a lot of people dislike the PA guy. I don't see hardly anyone supporting him. 90% fall into hating or not minding, that means you make a change. This issue is growing, not going away.

He's great for Hockey. Let's leave him there. This is football. Let's get someone with a tough sounding raspy voice to simply tell us who passed caught, ran with returned the ball, and who made the tackle. For huge game changing plays, a little added emotion is welcome to highlight that it's a huge play. The cheering should be led by the cheerleaders and band, period. Let's keep the cutesy player videos and the over the top "let's get energized" ads, and stop being embarrassing.

x2. The PA bozo should NEVER try to pump up the fans. Call the f'ing game and shut up. Christ, it's starting to feel like a scene from Idiocracy.

This is the same trap the Timberwolves fell into. They had such little belief in their actual product, they crammed every pause, every bit of negative space with booming rap music or some corny-ass contest.

People like football. You don't need to fill every little void with obnoxious something-or-others. Sometimes it's nice to actually talk with the person sitting next to you, imagine that.

Clearly a lot of people dislike the PA guy. I don't see hardly anyone supporting him. 90% fall into hating or not minding, that means you make a change. This issue is growing, not going away.
Clearly a vocal group on The Hole dislike the PA guy. There is no clear way of determining that any sizable % of the season ticket base agrees with you (and I'll admit the same must be true for those who don't mind/like Jamie).

Clearly a lot of people dislike the PA guy. I don't see hardly anyone supporting him. 90% fall into hating or not minding, that means you make a change. This issue is growing, not going away.

You officially are not allowed to argue this point anymore after you stated you would give up your tickets because you disliked the PA announcer. You lost all credibility with that one.

I will guarantee you that Jamie is going nowhere. If people had a reasonable argument, it would be one thing, but this thread is full of petty little nothings that Minnesotans live to bitch about. After the Miami game it will be something different. It happens every year, and never will end with all of us passive aggressive fans in the stands....

Clearly a lot of people dislike the PA guy. I don't see hardly anyone supporting him. 90% fall into hating or not minding, that means you make a change. This issue is growing, not going away.

Well I know one person needs a statistics course. Right, a thread on is a really representative sample. I'd be interested in whether they got a lot of feedback on Jamie (the PA guy) when they did the fan survey in the spring. I doubt it was a big source of complaints, but that would be a much better source for people's perceptions than this thread.

You officially are not allowed to argue this point anymore after you stated you would give up your tickets because you disliked the PA announcer. You lost all credibility with that one.

I will guarantee you that Jamie is going nowhere. If people had a reasonable argument, it would be one thing, but this thread is full of petty little nothings that Minnesotans live to bitch about. After the Miami game it will be something different. It happens every year, and never will end with all of us passive aggressive fans in the stands....


You officially are not allowed to argue this point anymore after you stated you would give up your tickets because you disliked the PA announcer. You lost all credibility with that one.

I will guarantee you that Jamie is going nowhere. If people had a reasonable argument, it would be one thing, but this thread is full of petty little nothings that Minnesotans live to bitch about. After the Miami game it will be something different. It happens every year, and never will end with all of us passive aggressive fans in the stands....

You aren't allowed to post anymore until you can pass basic reading comprehension. You lost all credibility when you felt the need to misrepresent my point of view.

You're probably right, everyone loves Jamie and attendance at games is great, so what's to change? Everyone loves all these ads, and judging by the electric atmosphere in a close game, Maturi and the stadium management are pushing all the right buttons. All us lame minnesotans are just petty and passive aggressive. It would hurt Jamie's feelings to make a change.

I think we all have learned not to give 2 $%&ts what you think Les. If your boss says you have to do something, do you just not do it? Did you read my whole post which described it as a BTN red/hat guy issue and not Jamie's fault.....doubt it.

Who's we? Got a turd in your pocket? IALTO. The PA guy is bad and they need to replace him. Not hard to figure out. I don't care if he's your sson, doosh.

You aren't allowed to post anymore until you can pass basic reading comprehension. You lost all credibility when you felt the need to misrepresent my point of view.

You're probably right, everyone loves Jamie and attendance at games is great, so what's to change? Everyone loves all these ads, and judging by the electric atmosphere in a close game, Maturi and the stadium management are pushing all the right buttons. All us lame minnesotans are just petty and passive aggressive. It would hurt Jamie's feelings to make a change.

I love how you lump in all the football game day operations and blame them on the Public address guy. I agree there are plenty of things that could be fixed, stating with the larger number of ads. Think the PA guy gets a say in that? If you want to bitch, bitch about who is in charge and actually makes the decisions that you, and Les and several others apparently feel makes you want to jump off the Washington avenue bridge. Lets not blame everything we hate on Jamie. I hate that there is no booze in TCF, so that must be Jamie's fault too....right?

Guess can Jamie, and the next guy is going to do all the ads and crap you hate too!

Jamie, I think gophergay05 has a crush on you. Many couples have met on the internet I've heard.

You sure know you've won an internet argument when you question someone's sexual preference. Congrats.

I love how you lump in all the football game day operations and blame them on the Public address guy. I agree there are plenty of things that could be fixed, stating with the larger number of ads. Think the PA guy gets a say in that? If you want to bitch, bitch about who is in charge and actually makes the decisions that you, and Les and several others apparently feel makes you want to jump off the Washington avenue bridge. Lets not blame everything we hate on Jamie. I hate that there is no booze in TCF, so that must be Jamie's fault too....right?

Guess can Jamie, and the next guy is going to do all the ads and crap you hate too!

I'm bitching at whoever made the decision to hire Jamie. If they won't fire him, hopefully Jamie will tone down the rah rah annoyances that ruin the atmosphere of a college game and make it less about him. If neither change, and all of the other problems with the bank are not addressed, well eventually I'm going to stop going to games. It's an embarrassment. I'm not even starting in on how awful the food and service (and no booze) is in the DQ club room. It's a total disaster and has been since day one.

I'm bitching at whoever made the decision to hire Jamie. If they won't fire him, hopefully Jamie will tone down the rah rah annoyances that ruin the atmosphere of a college game and make it less about him. If neither change, and all of the other problems with the bank are not addressed, well eventually I'm going to stop going to games. It's an embarrassment. I'm not even starting in on how awful the food and service (and no booze) is in the DQ club room. It's a total disaster and has been since day one.

Seriously, I've been going to Gopher football games for 13 years and I might be wrong, but I don't remember a different PA guy in that entire span other than maybe a game here or there. It's not like they just hired some new annoying PA guy. It seems the more you post that you are literally just taking out your frustrations about other aspects of the stadium on him. It's petty.

Seriously, I've been going to Gopher football games for 13 years and I might be wrong, but I don't remember a different PA guy in that entire span other than maybe a game here or there. It's not like they just hired some new annoying PA guy. It seems the more you post that you are literally just taking out your frustrations about other aspects of the stadium on him. It's petty.
It's not petty. It's a major part of the atmosphere on game days. It's a much bigger part of the atmosphere now that he is reading non stop during time outs, injecting his personality on every play, and generally being impossible to ignore. The rest is also an issue, but I would settle for getting rid of Jamie. I could be wrong, but Dave Lee did gopher games for years. It wasn't like WCCO hired some new guy last year. But gopher fans wanted a change because Dave Lee was awful. Jamie is awful. Somebody likes him. I don't.

Just announce the game. If you have to read all the ads, so be it. Sometimes this guy just drives me nuts. Calm down and just tell me who made the catch and who made the tackle. Do we need a new PA guy? Maybe, but why can't the current guy just change the way he does his job. Down by three scores in garbage time..."and thats another goooolden gopherrrrr first down! Embarrasing. Certain games amplify it worse than others (blowouts and close games/losses to bad teams). One thing I like better about Friday night games is that my senses aren't constantly assulted. The PA guy definately isn't the whole problem, but if he changed things up I think it would be a vast improvement and the easiest solution.

It's not petty. It's a major part of the atmosphere on game days. It's a much bigger part of the atmosphere now that he is reading non stop during time outs, injecting his personality on every play, and generally being impossible to ignore. The rest is also an issue, but I would settle for getting rid of Jamie. I could be wrong, but Dave Lee did gopher games for years. It wasn't like WCCO hired some new guy last year. But gopher fans wanted a change because Dave Lee was awful. Jamie is awful. Somebody likes him. I don't.

He's awful because YOU don't like him, huh? It is always about you, isn't it? And yes, it is petty to start blaming the PA guy for everything from ads on the scoreboard to the first down cheer (which a lot of us like).

Again, I'd be interested to see where complaints about the PA guy fell in the athletic dept survey last year. I'm guessing nominal. Granted, there have been threads every year about the first down cheer, or the number of ads. This thread is the FIRST time I've heard people complain about the PA announcer himself.

It's really not.

Huh? He talks constantly and loudly the entire game. Other than the actual game, what is the biggest part of the atmosphere in your opinion? I get it. You and YOTG like Jamie. You think people who don't like him are wrong. You think everything is just fine. You have been heard.

He's awful because YOU don't like him, huh? It is always about you, isn't it? And yes, it is petty to start blaming the PA guy for everything from ads on the scoreboard to the first down cheer (which a lot of us like).

Again, I'd be interested to see where complaints about the PA guy fell in the athletic dept survey last year. I'm guessing nominal. Granted, there have been threads every year about the first down cheer, or the number of ads. This thread is the FIRST time I've heard people complain about the PA announcer himself.

Yes, I'm a paying customer, so my opinion is important. I'm not "blaming" Jamie. I dont' like his voice or style. And I don't like the role the PA plays in gopher games. That's not blaming him.

Complaining about the first down cheer IS complaining about the announcer. I go to lots of high school games where the PA guy leads a similar cheer and it's nowhere near as annoying. Not at all even. The crowd cheering "first down" is great, and so is what the band and student's do. You know what isn't great? Jamie yelling "and that's ANOTHER!!! golden GOPPPPPHHERRR!!!!' He doesnt' need to do that. We can still yell first down, people will still know what to do, it can still be fun. You need to open your mind a bit.

Huh? He talks constantly and loudly the entire game. Other than the actual game, what is the biggest part of the atmosphere in your opinion? I get it. You and YOTG like Jamie. You think people who don't like him are wrong. You think everything is just fine. You have been heard.
In the grand scheme of things he really isn't a big part of it. It's possible to ignore things that annoy you ya know. Not completely, but you choose to let the PA guy ruin your game experience. That's your issue.

EDIT: And to answer your question (sorry, gave a hit and run reply), I guess the biggest part of the atmosphere for me is the crowd. But regardless of how the external factors are going (crowd, Jamie, ads, etc) I try to make sure that a limited number of things impact my enjoyment: the game itself and the time I'm spending with friends/family before, during, and after the game. And the latter far outweighs the former for me (most of the time). As I've said, there are plenty of things (cough ADS cough) that I would change if I could. But in the meantime, I just don't see the point in letting the little things (like the PA guy, ads) ruin my fun.

I've got no problem with the announcing (other than the ads, which aren't his fault). I am actually neutral on it. It doesn't bother me at all but I don't think about it as a game day "must see/hear" either. I bring someone new to nearly every home game and so far nobody has ever mentioned it as a negative, and one person actually went out of their way to say they like it (talking specifically about the first down announcement). The Gopher Hole is the only place I have ever heard PA announcing as a negative, and it has been by the same people each time.

I've seen a LOT of opinions and comments on ye olde Gophaire Hole but I didn't think it could be possible to use the term "Troll" and associate it with one of the few consistent voices of reason... GoAUpher.

But hey, there really is no limit to the things that can be complained about on these pages. The particular gem in this thread was a complaint about the DANCE TEAM. Everyone has their gripes. That is the thing about message boards. If you are dedicated and post your opinion enough... it seems like a "majority."

I've got no problem with the announcing.

You should have just stopped there. I have no problem with people that don't have a problem with the announcer. A lot of us do. It may not be a majority, but it detracts from the experience for quite a few people. Here's hoping that it gets addressed in some way. I don't have a problem with the concessions, but I wouldn't rail against people that do. my not caring about it is insignificant compared to it ruining the experience for them. I don't really see any pro announcer people, some mild pro, or don't really mind people. So why are you all so defensive for this guy? It doesn't matter to you, it matters a great deal to some of us, why so defensive? That's what really annoys me and why this is 6 pages. It seems that the Jamie-neutral crowd can't accept our opinion.

So why are you all so defensive for this guy?
For me, it's been because there was a whole lot of vitriol directed his way in this thread for stuff he has no control over. In other words, it looks like people were making him the easy scapegoat for a variety of things that were bugging them (ads being the most prevalent).

Most people would probably accept (perhaps grudgingly) your opinion while disagreeing with you except you went and tied your season ticket holder status to a dislike of the PA guy. And sorry to say, for most folks that makes no sense.

For me, it's been because there was a whole lot of vitriol directed his way in this thread for stuff he has no control over. In other words, it looks like people were making him the easy scapegoat for a variety of things that were bugging them (ads being the most prevalent).

Most people would probably accept (perhaps grudgingly) your opinion while disagreeing with you except you went and tied your season ticket holder status to a dislike of the PA guy. And sorry to say, for most folks that makes no sense.

Other than you, I haven't seen anyone else with that opinion. I have said multiple times, my gameday experience currently sucks. He's the biggest part of that. If we were a juggernaut on the field, if I had better service and food in the DQ room, if he didn't read so many ads, well then I wouldn't consider not renewing, and those things are out of his control. I would be ok with those things if we had a different PA guy. Currently there are too many negatives, and something has to change.

That's what really annoys me and why this is 6 pages. It seems that the Jamie-neutral crowd can't accept our opinion.

I believe you may have just made the all-time "My name is Pot and I'd like to inform you, Mr. Kettle, are BLACK" statement.

I just looked through the thread. You are declaring the Jamie-neutral crowd can't accept "our" opinion. Well, you are partially correct. SOMEONE indeed can't accept an opinion. You started the thread and managed to post TWENTY TWO TIMES in it. You are now wondering why someone else can't accept an opinion and declaring that you are annoyed the thread is 6 pages. How about you go back and delete your posts in it? It will shrink quite a bit.


Sorry... I missed that last one. MAKE IT TWENTY THREE TIMES.

Sorry... I missed that last one. MAKE IT TWENTY THREE TIMES.

Well I'm replying to people like you that don't like my opinion and I am defending my point of view. How many of those TWENTY FOUR posts were telling people who like Jamie that they're wrong? And yes, count how many people agree with me and how many disagree. It will be about 20-3.

Stop being a dumbass

Lovely retort.

Stating that constant bloviation from the stadium's PA announcer is not part of the game day experience is so idiotic the only reasonable explanation is trolling.

I don't care which alleged 'respected' poster made the claim.

You should have just stopped there. I have no problem with people that don't have a problem with the announcer. A lot of us do. It may not be a majority, but it detracts from the experience for quite a few people. Here's hoping that it gets addressed in some way. I don't have a problem with the concessions, but I wouldn't rail against people that do. my not caring about it is insignificant compared to it ruining the experience for them. I don't really see any pro announcer people, some mild pro, or don't really mind people. So why are you all so defensive for this guy? It doesn't matter to you, it matters a great deal to some of us, why so defensive? That's what really annoys me and why this is 6 pages. It seems that the Jamie-neutral crowd can't accept our opinion.

See, I'm ok with your disdain for the PA guy. He doesn't bother me, but I can understand how he could grind on some people's nerves. What got me to rail against you is how you claimed you were seriously considering dropping your season tickets (to what sounds like pretty nice seats in the DQ club room) because of the PA guy.

Hell man.. What did you expect most hardcore Gopher fans to respond with?? To me, and many others, one isn't a fan of a team if they turn in their season tix because of a bunch of petty stuff, with the PA guy on top of their list.

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