Oy - Police investigate case involving four suspended Gophers players

I agree with Ohio State and Louisville signs, but coaches have to remind players time and time again not to put yourself in a tough spot. Jerry Jones the President of the Dallas Cowboys tells his players no one night stands. He also says, if you don't know a lady, don't take her to your home or go to her house, even if sex is not on the agenda. Jerry is saying that not because he's a Purtian preacher. He's saying that because he does not want his players to be falsely accused.

I know thru out the years one night stands and sexual prowless have been a part of pro-sports and college athletics. Heck, Babe Ruth was running thru a train naked with a naked lady chasing him with a knife. Two reporters who saw it, vowed they would not write what they saw. In this day and age these things don't get thrown under the carpet any more. A lot of people were suprised the pioneer press reported the incident even before the outcome was found out. Welcome to the 21st century.

Not just Pro athletes but college athletes have to understand when you chose to drink that alcohol, or take that drug, or be involved in sexual activity, you could be jeporadizing your scholarship or the sport you love to play. Look at the Duke Lacrosse team. Those player's certianly didn't deserve what happened to them, but when you invite two strippers to a house full of guys, nothing good can come from that. I know someone here will make a funny comment about that last sentence but ask the Duke players if it was funny what happened to them.

I'm not saying the University should make their athletes sign a vow a chastity while they are at the U. Coaches have to drill in their players heads, is what your doing in your day to day life going to put you in a tough spot or not.

I'm not taking one side or the other on this issue. I'm going to let things play out. If the players didn't do it, hopefully the team as a whole will take to heart about being more careful in what you do.

I tweeted Burns this morning and asked what are you hearing, how is it looking, and when do you think we'll find out. This was his reply:

It's looking good right now. Should hear something next week would be my guess.

Would be nice to find out soon.

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Well that's encouraging.

Very good. I want them back as soon as it has been investigated thoroughly enough to clear them.

I have no idea about the events in question (nor does anyone here really). But I am wondering how often if the M:F ratio is 3:1 or more, how often is that situation ever honestly consensual, versus a technicality with a little inebriation on both sides, lack of implicit "no," etc.?

I have no idea about the events in question (nor does anyone here really). But I am wondering how often if the M:F ratio is 3:1 or more, how often is that situation ever honestly consensual, versus a technicality with a little inebriation on both sides, lack of implicit "no," etc.?

I'm personally aware of a situation in high school that was 100% consensual. All were acquaintences or friends of mine and I heard second-hand. The girl had low self-esteem and a people pleaser and perhaps was maybe just a "freak". They're out there. Were the guys wrong to pursue that? Morally probably depeding on POV but not criminal behavior.

I'm personally aware of a situation in high school that was 100% consensual. All were acquaintences or friends of mine and I heard second-hand. The girl had low self-esteem and a people pleaser and perhaps was maybe just a "freak". They're out there. Were the guys wrong to pursue that? Morally probably depeding on POV but not criminal behavior.

You're personalizing this…:p Anyway, players need to know that it is in their best interest to remove themselves from any situation like this. Even if totally innocent, they will be linked to some serious allegations. Stating the obvious, quite often they will never be view the same way again.

You're personalizing this…:p Anyway, players need to know that it is in their best interest to remove themselves from any situation like this. Even if totally innocent, they will be linked to some serious allegations. Stating the obvious, quite often they will never be view the same way again.

Yep. Just ask guys on the 1991 Gophs BBall team. Madison.

91'? Wasn't that like 86'? Seems so long ago, I'm not sure.

From wikipedia:
On January 25, 1986, three Gopher players were arrested on rape charges in Madison, Wisconsin. A Madison woman claimed the players raped her at their team hotel hours after the Gophers played the Wisconsin Badgers. After the arrests, U of M officials canceled the Gophers' next scheduled game, against Northwestern, citing the arrests and a series of less serious incidents prior to the arrests. Not agreeing with the University's decision to forfeit the game, Dutcher resigned as head coach. All three players were ultimately acquitted of all charges.

It may not have been rape, but Dutcher lost control of the team when Mitch Lee was recruited. He should have dumped Mitch after the first screw up involving a rape accusation. Resigning was the right thing to do if he was not going to get control of the team.

I have no idea about the events in question (nor does anyone here really). But I am wondering how often if the M:F ratio is 3:1 or more, how often is that situation ever honestly consensual, versus a technicality with a little inebriation on both sides, lack of implicit "no," etc.?

With big time college athletics I'm guessing it is pretty common.

What is the latest with this situation? Are they still out? Investigation still going? Perhaps I must missed it but I haven't seen anything lately.

What is the latest with this situation? Are they still out? Investigation still going? Perhaps I must missed it but I haven't seen anything lately.

No update. They aren't with the team right now. Investigation ongoing.

The Reggie Lynch situation took months. We don't know how similar the incidents are, but there is precedence for this taking a long time.

The Reggie Lynch situation took months. We don't know how similar the incidents are, but there is precedence for this taking a long time.

At least they weren't arrested unlike Lynch so theres that. Reggie was the only suspect unlike this case as well to my knowledge.

per Greder:

Claeys said four Gophers players remain suspended but did not share how long that status might continue.

“I don’t know,” the coach said Tuesday. “Violation of team policy. And playing (it) day by day.”

Cornerbacks KiAnte Hardin and Ray Buford, safety Dior Johnson and defensive end Tamarion Johnson were suspended prior to a 58-28 win over Indiana State on Sept. 10. Minneapolis police are working to determine whether any of the four are tied to an ongoing investigation.

The Hennepin County Attorney’s Office has not been presented with the case, and therefore, has not concluded whether any charges will be filed.


Go Gophers!!

Well Claeys ... just as a matter of policy shouldn't know what the future holds until it happens.

per Joe:

As of Tuesday afternoon, the Minneapolis Police Department still listed the four players — KiAnte Hardin, Ray Buford, Dior Johnson and Tamarion Johnson — as part of an “active investigation.” No arrests have been made as part of the case.

The police would need to clear the players, and so would athletic director Mark Coyle, before they’d be allowed to even practice with the team.


Go Gophers!!

You can bet if these were Viking players:
A. They would be allowed to practice and play
B. The investigation would be a top priority because, well, they're : The Little Darlings'"

You can bet if these were Viking players:
A. They would be allowed to practice and play
B. The investigation would be a top priority because, well, they're : The Little Darlings'"

What does this have to do with anything?

You can bet if these were Viking players:
A. They would be allowed to practice and play
B. The investigation would be a top priority because, well, they're : The Little Darlings'"

Who says this isn't a top priority?

per Joe:

As of Tuesday afternoon, the Minneapolis Police Department still listed the four players — KiAnte Hardin, Ray Buford, Dior Johnson and Tamarion Johnson — as part of an “active investigation.” No arrests have been made as part of the case.

The police would need to clear the players, and so would athletic director Mark Coyle, before they’d be allowed to even practice with the team.


Go Gophers!!

So if we go to bowl game, they might be cleared by that time?

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