oops -- wrong forum

This thread had a good run, but the uniform thread is about to overtake it.

This thread is ashamed that a thread about fashion tastes is about to overtake it. Shame --- Shame --- Shame!

This thread is continuing it's off season training and concentrating on stamina. This thread will still be running hard when the fashionistas have run out of steam talking about the new "outfits".

Fashion threads come, and Fashion threads go,
And Fashion threads eventually peter out, you know.

But the "oops--wrong forum" thread will endure for posterity.

This thread is very appreciative of the opportunity to have gotten as much support that GH has provided.

This thread has also De-committed from the U and will now be going to the shaggybevo forum.

This thread will confirm later today that it is not a sure thing that it will transfer to shaggybevo forum. However, this thread is interested in visiting that forum to see what it has to offer.

This thread is a soft verbal to this forum, but has stayed in contact with Rick Mons throughout the recruiting process. It has one more visit to the uni- forum , before making a decision on threads this Friday.

So wait until Friday? That makes this thread a soft commit.

This thread is still waiting for LSU to get across the 50 yard line.

Word has it that the LSU football team needed three days to get home from New Orleans after the NC game because someone painted a 50 yard line across the road.

Thanks Nate - We all need a good laugh and this was a good one.

This thread has teabagged a passed out LSU fan fan.

Fashion threads eventually die out, but wrong forum threads live forever.

Long live this thread.

This thread better eat it's Wheaties.

It's a marathon, not a sprint.


TLHGO4 said:
Word has it that the LSU football team needed three days to get home from New Orleans after the NC game because someone painted a 50 yard line across the road.
This thread was dead for two days - why did you find the need to start up this thread again?

This thread didn't die, it was just taking a quick power nap. They are important when you are in a college forum.

This thread will be ignoring ESPN for the next few weeks as well.

This thread can't believe that a 300 pound baseball player just signed a $214 million contract

This thread decided it would rather not become a political flame war so I deleted my analysis of Obama's SOTU address before posting it.

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