oops -- wrong forum

This thread says coach Kill can say goosh darn ten times for every Gopher victory this season.

This thread also likes it's bison medium rare.

This thread is cooking bison burgers in the tailgate lot tomorrow.

This thread wants Snowman/ Rick Mons to come back and hector us on the need for all PC talk and remind how smart and ethical he is.

Is so tired of Bison fans talking bleep all week at work about how there going to score 40+ points on the Gophers. So much so that the Bison have this threads attention and all of this talk, it is starting to grate on this threads nerves. The thread continues to play this song over and over again in this threads head.
"Someone is about to get there A$$ kicked", "Someone is about to get there A$$ kicked" and that someone wears Green and Gold this week. They should have just shut up and played the game, all of there trash talk has stirred up and earned a beat down. Geez this thread exhaled you would think we were playing Nebraska or Wisconsin this week.

You playing Mark Henry's song on repeat?? Damn, that song sucks.. No offense. =)

This thread is responsible for driving Gopher football into the ground.

thisthread believes "a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of" gopher football

"ND accepts bigten invitation, becomes 12th member"

"Kill goes winless in first MIAC season"

"GopherOhana sees light at end of tunnel. Last words 'is that you grandma""

This thread wished it could have grown up during the glory years of Gophers football in the 1960's the one where the pictures are all black and white.
At least this thread would have been able to have good memory's instead of all of the terrible memory's this thread has witnessed watching the Gophers.

This thread is the responsible for the demise of Gopher football.

This thread has a braunschweiger in its lederhosen.

This thread's been temporarily suspended pending an NCAA investigation of its transcript ...

This thread got tackled/tripped by a security guard on a powertrip while rushing the field last Saturday

This thread thinks Floyd should be taken off walk-on status and given a scholarship. With a Redshirt and Medical Redshirt he can be here four more years.

I have seen this thread come up a million times and have always resisted clicking on it. Now I have. I don't want to read through the forum to figure out the joke here so some one please jut summarize for me so I can get in on the joke? Im just to lazy to do it for myself

I have seen this thread come up a million times and have always resisted clicking on it. Now I have. I don't want to read through the forum to figure out the joke here so some one please jut summarize for me so I can get in on the joke? Im just to lazy to do it for myself

This thread want to be all-knowing thread. It has a comment for everything that happens.

I have seen this thread come up a million times and have always resisted clicking on it. Now I have. I don't want to read through the forum to figure out the joke here so some one please jut summarize for me so I can get in on the joke? Im just to lazy to do it for myself

To get the whole enjoyed effect of it all, you have to get a case of beer, a bunch of pork chops, and enjoy them while you start at the beginning and go all the way thru. This thread claims it is worth it.

This thread can't believe there are no heating coils under TCF. This thread thought we were supposed to be a first-class program. We were supposed to be building the best there is. What does that say to recruits when we don't even have heating coils?

This thread is intrigued by THE SCOUT's betting lines and hopes he will continue posting them, preferably in as many threads as possible.

This thread is starting to look over its shoulder. That uniform thread is not going to catch me.

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