oops -- wrong forum

This thread would like to express sympathy for Morris Claiborne and his score of 4 on the Wonderlic exam. Back in the day, this thread took the Wonderlic as well, but in the wrong forum, resulting in a score of 0.

This thread did absolutely not crash his motorcycle with a girl half his age even thought said girl is not this thread's wife and mother of four children....

Great news!!!!

MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (05/10/2012) —The Gopher Hole and the Minnesota Vikings have agreed to a Letter of Intent which allows the Vikings’ use of this thread during potential construction at the current Metrodome site of a new stadium for the National Football League franchise.

“The Minnesota Vikings are an important asset to the state and we were pleased to work with them on reaching a mutually beneficial arrangement to host them on our board,” The Gopher Hole said. “The Vikings will remain part of the Twin Cities region during construction of their new stadium, while the proceeds from this arrangement will be invested in our forum to enhance Gopher sports-related pissing and moaning.”

Hosting Vikings games at this thread not only will affect 6 National Titles Football Forum, but also will impact surrounding forums. Throughout talks with the Vikings, university leaders have emphasized addressing concerns of forum neighbors.

“The board is committed to proactively addressing thread and board operational issues and to minimizing any potential impact on the board community and our forums,” The Gopher Hole said. “For Vikings games in this thread, the board will control thread and forum operations and will exercise the same level of care for spam and troll management as is our standard for Gopher events.”

Under the agreement, the Vikings will pay the Gopher Hole a fixed fee of $250,000 per game. In addition, concessions, sponsorship and advertising dollars will be divided between the parties under the terms of the Letter of Intent, said Gopher Hole spokesferret Skeeter. He stated that the additional revenue to the board is expected to be $50,000 per game, resulting in a combined rent and expected concessions and sponsorship revenue amount of $300,000 per game, or $3 million per regular NFL season.

The Letter of Intent provides the following:

Thread changes

  • Installation of specialized heating coils under the thread surface.
  • Installation of temporary bleacher-style seats in the western end of the thread. Any new seating is subject to approval by the Gopher Hole moderator's pet ferret.

Duration of lease and days of play

  • Two scenarios are allowed. The Vikings may lease this thread for up to four consecutive NFL seasons anticipated to start in 2013; or, they can play in the thread for all or part of one NFL season, anticipated to be the 2015 season. A standard NFL season includes 10 football games (two preseason and eight regular season games), plus any home playoff games.
  • This thread will be available for Sunday games only and one weeknight game per season, on a date that must be approved by the board.
  • The Vikings will work with the NFL to minimize scheduling conflicts with the board’s off-topic discussions and other BS.


  • The terms of alcohol sales in this thread during Vikings games are subject to Board of Regents approval at a later date. Governor Dayton signed legislation April 27, 2012 that returns full authority to the Board of Regents with respect to the sale of alcoholic beverages during intercollegiate athletic events at the Stadium, Williams Arena, Mariucci Arena, and this thread, so long as the university provides for the sale of alcohol to the general public at a convenient location in the thread at least through half-time during intercollegiate football games. This legislation expires July 1, 2014.

Star Wars...returns...on recruiting

See it in a forum near you.

This thread is trying to think of the 3 worst beers it ever drank, but to this thread, all beer is good, therefore none can be listed.

This thread wants to go to Omaha for the College World Series in a couple weeks.

This thread thinks Dpo electronically timed James Gillum.

BTN: Big Ten Unit Rankings - Concession Workers - Minnesota #11

This thread loves 40 times. Because this thread knows they matter.

This thread is hoping Seantrel will attend it's funeral if it ever passes away.

This forum saved and scrimped enough money to fly to Vegas for the Gopher game. This forum will party anywhere, with anyone. This forum did get a real money saving special at a warehouse, 3 nights in a warehouse for the price of 2.

This forum thinks that being 4-0 going into the Big Ten Season gives it some impetus heading for Kinnick Stockyards in order to keep Floyd of Rosedale where it belongs...at the University of Minnesota.

This forum is glad to have Dr. Don occasionally apply a defibrillator to its chest.

This thread is happy that after a multi-year hiatus, that Rick Mons/MNSNowman is back posting and is in dire need of posting in this thread.

This forum is so pissed off at Jim Souhan that it wet its pants in anger and had to change into a new Depends.

This thread is pissed it lost its redshirt 7 games into the season(, or was it six?)

This forum needs your vote. Vote early and vote often.

This thread is ready to delete all challengers.

This thread wonders?

If there will be a 39th thread in relationship to another Seantrel Henderson transfer rumor to Minnesota.

This thread wonders?

If Rick Mons is happy with his Halloween Thread?

This thread wants Michael Carter to do a repeat of last week.

This forum forgot what we are voting for today, so this forum bought some beer tickets that are redeemable at TCF beer tent. This forum is hoping we hit $125,000 in beer sales at our next home game versus Michigan State.

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