oops -- wrong forum

I know I'm contributing to it by posting here, but this thread is the stupidest in the entire history of GopherHole, and that's really quite an honor.

You just pushed it to 34 pages. I will always remember dpodoll68 as the guy that pushed the "wrong forum" thread to 34 pages! Congrats. Great timing.

This thread would like to congratulate dpdoll for his fine contribution.


This thread is asking to be put out of its misery.

This thread will live forever!!!! (or until 1000 posts when it runs out of room and we start anew)

Good New!

This thread will die in 2012 just like the Mayan calendar.

^^^ This thread doesn't like the post of the Devil!!!!

This thread is worrying about another thread overtaking it with changes in threads.

This thread has only 330 posts left to reach 1000.

This thread is the best thread in the History of GopherHole, thanks to Rick Mons.

btw, 329 to go to reach 1000.

This thread is also pissed off because lakesbison has been banned. :horse:

This thread can't believe some people think Nate Wolters is a Big Ten guard.

This thread is becoming very concerned because people are talking more and more about Uniforms and Helmets and Fashion Shows and almost overtaking me as the best Thread on the FB Board.

Please help me by adding more comments to the Rick Mons Special Thread.

First of all, I am not gonna chase you, but if jamalo has his way, we are all pervs for scouting cheerleaders, dance teams, volleyball teams, womens' basketball teams, etc, etc, etc.

This thread thanks people for doing their part.

dpodoll68 said:
I know I'm contributing to it by posting here, but this thread is the stupidest in the entire history of GopherHole, and that's really quite an honor.
Most intelligent post in this thread award!

This thread is still waiting for LSU to get across the 50 yard line.

Pffft. This thread is two years old and the "other" thread is a newborn. No way a newborn can beat this thread!

Pffft. This thread is two years old and the "other" thread is a newborn. No way a newborn can beat this thread!

At least this thread says it makes a lot of sense, whereas the newborn is just a passing fancy of what's in vogue.

If this thread ends will Gopherhole (POOF) go blank? Is there an ending to any thread? Let me try.......


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