I'll take this start to a he conference season! Ski-U-Mah!!!

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I absolutely love this team. Every damn one of them.

Boom, here we go...
Better be top 20...

I still find the whole left right standing standing left right left right SIT DOWN funny :)

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Very nice win over OSU. Now to get after it at Happy Valley.

Nice win. Way to own the last 4 minutes.

If this team keeps getting better it could really be a dangerous match up in the tourney. Hope Pitino keeps them focused once they have that number next to their name.

Someone always seems to step up. Another great battle through a rough stretch.

Fatalist in me kept worrying

Nice win

Who said that they had a difficult start to their schedule��

Are we forfeiting @ MSU? :cool02: I mean, I agree we're underdogs, but let's give it a shot.
Oops...My fault. I was thinking about State Penn because yesterday in their win over MSU the announcers said PSU plays UMN next.
Thanks for the reminder.

Sign of a really good team when you can win with your best players having off games.

Who said that they had a difficult start to their schedule��

Seem to recall many predicting an 0-8 start. Maybe worse than that! That's OK, they are all sky high right now and we should be! This team is fun.

If this keeps up I might be calling for a big raise for Pitino.

Anyone see the end of the Virginia game where Shayok accidentally hits a soccer throw-in type shot?

Bigs really need to work on limiting fouls. This really was a nice team win. And they didn't fold against a decent, but desperate team.

No, but quit running offensive sets for him

I agree, he will get the same number of points with a much higher efficiency if we let him scrap for them. Giving him the ball to back down the defender is 10% at best this year.

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There's a long way to go, but a great start. I have a lot of confidence in this team.

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