Pitino gets a big "F" for beginning of second half. Team playing flat and stupid; just like MSU.
Call a freaking timeout!

The 3 M boys need to step it up or we will lose.

We are all going to be in foul trouble

Pitino gets a big "F" for beginning of second half. Team playing flat and stupid; just like MSU.
Call a freaking timeout!

He only has two left. Would be stupid to call one here IMO.

If he had 4 or even 3...I agree with you

For as good as Reggie is a shot-blocker, he's just as bad of a rebounder.

Pitino gets a big "F" for beginning of second half. Team playing flat and stupid; just like MSU.
Call a freaking timeout!

We only had 2. No need to burn one early in the second half. The guys need to learn to pull themselves out of it without needing a timeout. Better lesson to learn now than in early March.

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Pitino gets a big "F" for beginning of second half. Team playing flat and stupid; just like MSU.
Call a freaking timeout!

He only has two left. Would be stupid to call one here IMO.

If he had 4 or even 3...I agree with you

Why did ohio state go from 40 to 45 after that three? Anyone else see that?

Darn pretty Coffey! He does not look like a freshman.

The Mali Mauler with a great seal to allow Coffey to get to the basket.

Murphy has been a huge disappointment this year. Wish we had other options.

Murphy has been a huge disappointment this year. Wish we had other options.
In what alternative universe do you live in? Check out his rebounding and points stat. The kid is doing a fine job for us. He's just doing it without all the swag.

Murphy has been a huge disappointment this year. Wish we had other options.

He's averaging 11/9 on 46% shooting and would be averaging much more, but his usage is definitely way down. That's a solid stat line for your # 3 option if you ask me.

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Murphy has been a huge disappointment this year. Wish we had other options.


Seems to have really regressed on the offensive side of the ball from his freshman year. His offensive game is painful to watch nowadays. Slow, stupid, and out of control. At least he's still rebounding at a high level.

Holy cow. That tops any Rodney dunk considering he got fouled.


Seems to have really regressed on the offensive side of the ball from his freshman year. His offensive game is painful to watch nowadays. Slow, stupid, and out of control. At least he's still rebounding at a high level.

He is averaging virtually the same numbers on identical %'s:confused:

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