That's a crap call. It was 2 seconds tops.

This has all the makings of a dogfight. Hopefully we figure out how to win it

Ugh. We were up 18 and we're going to end up in another nail biter.

Thad Matta looking more and more like Rocky's trainer every year

Gophers should've stuck to the game plan instead of getting clowny.

OSU wasn't going to continue to shoot sub 20%...survive the run.

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Gophers letting up. Gotta start playing defense and running your offensive sets.

Nice finish to get it back to double digits.

A bit of a nice correction at the end of the half.

Nice half. One more just like it please.

Good half. Need Mason out there as much as possible. Amazing how impt he is to keeping us from being out of control

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Good defense and still like the shooting %'s: MN 45.5%. OS 30.3%

Thad Matta looking more and more like Rocky's trainer every year
I'm thinking more like Lex Luthor.

Looks like PJ is getting the crowd riled up- hope its on YouTube later.

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Per BTN: Our new coach is out on the floor firing up the crowd!

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Ugly start to the 2nd half once again.

Just turned on the game to start the 2nd; seems like whenever I tune in a very stressful feeling overcomes me...

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At what point do you consider starting Springs over McBreyer? He's not providing any offense right now.

Playing like garbage today. Were so hot in the first half it didn't matter, but settling for bad shots most of the time.

Need to get back in the offensive flow with better ball movement.

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