Max Shortell sexes all of the ladies in the first two rows. Ginger power.

His name is Willie...Willie Beamen. He gets the ladies...screamin!


After seeing what just happened to Gray, I really don't want to see Shortell run up the middle.

Oh yeah barker!

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Harbison all smiles on the sidelines. Glad he's staying positive

Max was sought out by Brady Hoke... speaks a lot on his talents...

I love how Shortell comes in and it's like someone flipped a switch, and all of a sudden we're a passing team.

Got Gophers on First Row now. Shortell is on fire!

Gotta feel bad for Gray. He's gotta be thinking on the sideline "man these coaches don't trust me to throw the ball". Oh well. Hopefully his injury isn't serious.

Great job by Shortell on the drive. Awesome D stop too!

our backup is better than any free agent qb sconnie has.... I'm thinking it might take a lot for Nelson to start over Max next year..

What's the official rule on reception possession? One foot down, two feet down, fumble... That's what I saw.

What's the official rule on reception possession? One foot down, two feet down, fumble... That's what I saw.

That's what I'm trying to figure out too...

They need to wait until the play is over before they decide whether it was a catch or not... too many games have been changed because of a Premature Whistle...

Gotta remember, they didn't game plan for Max. This is like when Joe Webb comes in off the bench and looks really good but looks men as a starter.

I get that and wholly agree, however, with the caveat that someone like Joe Webb comes in and impresses with athleticism. Contrary here, I think we're all going to be looking at the actual passing effectiveness of the offense from this point out.

It looked like Epping was just laying on the ground....

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