Oh no! Wmu on top.

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Offense has to get it together... Defense can't carry the load the whole game...

The play-by-play guy doesn't even know a touchback brings the ball to the 25 now

This offense is really, really stupid. Northern Illinois fans said we would love Claeys and get frustrated by Limegrover. They were right.

What the hell is this play calling? Pass the frickin ball!

Oh crap! Gray is hurt!

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getting back up???? he was carried off. not good to see for MN fans

What the hell is this play calling? Pass the frickin ball!

+ 8 billion. This has been the worst play calling I've seen in a long time. If they really don't trust Gray to pass, they should though, then don't play him there.

Marqueis is putting no pressure on his leg right now and still wincing in pain. I don't think he's coming back in.

WMU has not shown that they can defend the pass & yet we keep calling running plays... amazing... Mason-Level amazing...

Glad Gray is going to be okay, but please let him cheer from the sidelines the rest of the game.

Maybe even make a midseason conversion back to WR or TE>

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