***OFFICIAL*** Minnesota Vs. Syracuse (GAME THREAD)

Can ESPN praise Greg Paulus anymore than this? Sheesh! It's like I'm watching Brett Favre or something.

Why do I feel like I'm watching a Monday Night Football game with Brett Favre playing?

this just in!! ESPN has found out that paulus is the 2nd coming of christ!

Stoudermire the MVP so far...great block on Bennett TD, beautiful kick return, and hauls in the TD on 3rd and goal.

i want to see this running game get going, they praised it all off-season and they have only ran like 3 times i think.

Has ESPN noticed that Weber has already passed for 45 yards and a touchdown while Paulus only has 8 yards?

What an amazing tackle off the ground by Lawrence.......

Great play Rallis

And can someone keep Paulus from waxing the Ref after every play? Junior High dances don't get this handsy

Small and Brown on sideline too much for my liking...were out on one whole poss. and were out for half of the last poss...also, looks like Stommes is out with an injury, Alford in at LT.

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