that pi was a stupid play...the first was garbage but this one was legit. :(

If this keeps up we are going to have to hang half a hundred on these guys to have a chance......

Is it possible that Weber is actually better without Brewster?

Kill Shot. Bad pass by Weber - good pass by their 3rd string QB.

Terrible throw, but if they are going to call P.I. on the Gophers at every turn, there was one for PSU right there.

Minnesota's Defense, "where backup quarterbacks go for their 15 minutes in the sun".

As Horton said, they've got nothing to lose so they're going to gamble more. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Weber has been making some great throws today and then threw a poor one. He's a senior on his way out and Horton is calling the game like someone who doesn't care about job security since he doesn't have any. Enjoy the good plays and don't be surprised when there are some clunkers.

Wow, these refs are horrific. McKnight was interfered on the 3rd down pass and now they blow the the play dead while its still in play.

this is a game of 2 bad teams, and this gophers team is worse then the 07 team.

Is there a YouTube video of pass horrid pass intereference calls that Penn State has received in their favor over the years against the Gophers? Two resulted directly in PSU victories (Enis uncatchable/OOB in 1997 and OT in ~2006?), we already had another today.

The video creators could then add a montage of about a dozen or so obvious calls that the Gophers have not gotten against PSU over the years, including at least 2 today.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Weber inconsistent, as usual - some great throws, some awful, game-changing ones. Also, no tempo on offense, no urgency. PLAY GRAY!

Is there a YouTube video of pass horrid pass intereference calls that Penn State has received in their favor over the years against the Gophers? Two resulted directly in PSU victories (Enis uncatchable/OOB in 1997 and OT in ~2006?), we already had another today.

The video creators could then add a montage of about a dozen or so obvious calls that the Gophers have not gotten against PSU over the years, including at least 2 today.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

OK, here's one of the two (2006), 4th down, OT, PSU down 6:


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