why do we always 'back it out'... we play right into a D's hands by doing that. esp against teams like wisky and iowa.

Gophers are a reflection of their coach... No fire, no real continued hustle, no clue.... He needs to go

Coleman with a big play. TWO out of bounds plays that have resulted in buckets today.

running game? we are not pushing it... so coleman must sit.

Coleman sat a lot in the first half... I'm not certain we should be slowing it down against anyone... he needs to be in there and we need to run .... now if he is playing like crap ill listen to sitting him, but for us to be as good as we all think we can be, he has to play well.

This is depressing. The way this team is playing I can't imagine us winning any road games for the rest of the year.

That's horrible to allow a timeout to be called when players are rolling on the ground -- that rule needs to be changed. You should have to prove clear possession and control of the ball (not sitting on your butt) to call a timeout.

wow. we get zero home cooking. zero.

Rodney doing a lot of standing around again today.

Iowa gets away with a shove every time we get a defensive rebound

Joe Coleman. Fack.

***Edit. Then he makes a hell of a pump fake!

I'm half in half out on tubby...

But I absolutely hate his zone break offense, more than his man to man offense.... we have the prototype for breaking zones with long athletic bigs, and a couple deep threats, get the ball to the middle and make 2 passes ...

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