let's do this! drive down the field score a TD and let's win this game!

We beat PSU for 59 minutes. They're going to the B1G championship. We're going to Nashville.

Red zone picks, sh^t in the pants. 2nd half! This O just has never been able to close. Can't throw 2nd half red zone picks. FG would have been HUGE!

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Yup. Shooting ourselves in the foot.

Time for our defense to get a turnover.

Mitch limping. ****.

We lose. Start the coaching search now. PJ Fleck. Let's go

Game over...they have the momentum...another typical year but this hurts the most because we could have buried them.

This is a complete meltdown. Fast, even by Gopher standards.

Can we go back to the first half game plan please. You can do this!

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Need the D to score for us, I guess. Let's go.

Just awful play calling, Mitch relies on the run for momentum so Jay has him passing

They are rushing 6 every time and nobody is open? Ugh.

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Gotta stop Leidner from drinking from Santoso's water bottle...sucking is contagious!

I know it tough guys...but we need to step up and then take over. Its not over. In fact it tied...were not losing yet.

We have no answer for Mitch.

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Another game (think Nebraska) where we have the lead at half and don't score a single point in the second half......and lose.

Zero creativity in offense.

Saving all out good plays for the ****ty Bowl game! Yeah!

Falling apart

I would love to know what coach said at half-time this is a totally different team after half

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