if you're gonna be negative at this moment just log out and get some fresh air, we dont need you

Time for the Offense to "forget about it" and put some points on the board.

It's our ball now. We are still in control. Move the ball and score and take the lead. win the game. We can do this. It's a tie game. We aren't losing. We just have to go grab them by the pussies and win!

Was that on Mitch or on Carter? Mitch throwing an out, and Carter running a downfield route

All is not lost...we can still win this game! Time to get back to business and drive this ball down the field!

Barring a defensive TD I cannot see Minnesota winning this game. Mitch is garbage. Johnson and Claeys are chicken****.

It's true tho, we choke year after year, decade after decade. So sick of this garbage.

then dont watch, but have some perspective. we are tied at the #6 team in the country's house in the 4th quarter with a chance to win a rivalry trophy we havent had in 12 years, we need everyone on board right now with good vibes

Jay Johnson every second half game this year with minor lead...

1) rutm
2) rutm
3) predictable pass

Sadly this is probably true. What sux is that I feel like a cursed fan

Yep. All that hiring another coach will do it set us back 4 years so we can build back up to this moment in 4 years and watch rock roll back over us. No point.

We still got this! #believe #faith.

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then dont watch, but have some perspective. we are tied at the #6 team in the country's house in the 4th quarter with a chance to win a rivalry trophy we havent had in 12 years, we need everyone on board right now with good vibes

Are the players reading this thread on the sidelines? I don't think our mood matters much.

Mitch in 5 years hasn't learned to look off a receiver. Now would be a good time to do so!

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I have a good feeling about this possession.

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Tie game, our ball. 4th quarter. LETS GO!

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Typical 5 yards before the marker, and the receiver was correctly running up the field.

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They sometimes have plays where the WR and QB are supposed to read the defense. It was obvious they ready it differently. Leidner looked pissed.

i dont know about y'all but if you gave me this score at this time i would've taken it 10/10 times

And you are a horse's a$$.

True. I'm just so, so sick of losing to these guys. Felt tinges of hope at half but had that feeling in my gut that we'd blow it. Haven't seen anything in the second half to make me think different and it sucks.

I just want a different outcome one of these years :(

Red zone picks, sh^t in the pants. 2nd half! This O just has never been able to close. Can't throw 2nd half red zone picks. FG would have been HUGE!

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At the start of the day I'd have taken tied game in the 4th with us having the next possssion. Still there for the taking. Just need one big play to change the momentum.

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