They are blitzing on every play

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Convert this 3rd down. Let's goooooooo!

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Just the worst play calling. I'm so done with Jay Johnson.

What the he'll was that? Really?

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How many f******* times are we going to run it up the f****** middle on 3rd and short

O is just sooooo predictable. (sigh)

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D really needs to hold the field position here.

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We are in playing not to lose. ****

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We have had every opportunity this game. just can't seize it.

Time for play action or jet sweep or Mitch on the keep. WI is just selling out up the middle.

Jay Johnson has to be fired after this year if Claeys doesn't.

If we lose, it'll be 4 losses all due to horrible second half play calling,
He's entirely to blame.

Why did we stop running Leidner?

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Badgers are selling out against the run and we still don't have anyone open? Game plan in the second half has sucked for us...

Do we not have a jet sweep, or a HB pass or some razzle dazzle? Something other than what we are doing? Johnson has been awful this half. Does Tracy not know that when you play not otherwise lose, you will always lose?

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I have no proof but is Mitch playing hurt?

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Why don't we ever run outside or pass the ball to the RB?

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