Consistent problem. Play a pretty good first half, come out second half and don't care. That was the 19th game of the season, why is that still a problem?!

Major late 2nd 1/2 choke. About 8 players and a coach apparently took a ranking for granted.
Back to reality.

That was the most embarrassing efforts I've seen this season and last season combined.

This is the first time I've been truly pissed off after a Gopher basketball game this year. Pathetic effort all the way around.

There were still 2 seconds left when he launched that prayer. No one else seemed to want to get open though.

Murphy looked like he wanted to take a nap most of the game. I can't figure out why he saw action at the end?

3-1 start could to turn into 3-7.

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So much for growing up. Take two steps forward and in classic Gopher fashion, take three steps backward. They deserve everything that happened to them today. Can see why Pitino complained about being too easy to guard. The question is, what are they going to do about it?

No he didn't. Did you watch his defense?

I thought he had to scramble more than he should have due to Coffey not being present enough. Either way, all of the starters, minus Lynch, sucked big time.

This is the first time I've been truly pissed off after a Gopher basketball game this year. Pathetic effort all the way around.

THIS x1000.

FSU loss, understandable. I was sad after the first Sparty loss, but the team played pretty tough. The 2nd Sparty loss was just us running into a buzz saw. Fine. Pick up and move on.

But, OMG this loss was disgusting. ZERO EFFORT. Such little energy. The worst offensive sets since Tubby left. Mason played like trash on D. Murphy was low motor Murph. McBrayer and Coffey didn't even make the plane ride. Lynch seemed to be the only player that gave two ****s.

If we play like this on offense moving forward, we will only win 2-3 games tops.

I feel like we're starting a slide down the other side of the Bell Curve over these past few games.

Ahhhh, the torture of being a Minnesota sports fan. Pin even the smallest of expectations and show a glimmer of hope and positivity, and then *thud* -- back to our frigid reality. This is not a good team. There's no way they make the NCAA TOURNAMENT. On the surface, this utter collapse looks unexpected, but it shouldn't be. It's Minnesota. It's the land where your state's best high school players don't even consider your state's Division I university. The land of 50-point games against Penn State and embarrassing losses to below-average Michigan State.

Was only able to see the last three minutes, but it looked like the typical morning game at Penn St, where the team just has no energy. Such a winnable game.

Ahhhh, the torture of being a Minnesota sports fan. Pin even the smallest of expectations and show a glimmer of hope and positivity, and then *thud* -- back to our frigid reality. This is not a good team. There's no way they make the NCAA TOURNAMENT. On the surface, this utter collapse looks unexpected, but it shouldn't be. It's Minnesota. It's the land where your state's best high school players don't even consider your state's Division I university. The land of 50-point games against Penn State and embarrassing losses to below-average Michigan State.

Overreact much???? This place sucks after a loss and your knee jerk ridiculous post is a prime example of why.

Listening to the post-game interview, I'm guessing Pitino is pretty unhappy with Mason. Almost a coach's version of "WTF?"

Brutal loss. Terrible way to close out a game. This could be one we look back on in 6 weeks and shake our heads in disgust

Overreact much???? This place sucks after a loss and your knee jerk ridiculous post is a prime example of why.

He seems to rarely post when we're winning. Lost a game we should have been able to win, but I don't see how you can call this a season-defining game.

I said they would lose. Beatup at MSU made them question themselves. When you do that you have no energy. They were still in Michigan. You could see it even in the first half. Young team like this could go into a complete funk. So yes, 3-7 is very possible.

Overreact much???? This place sucks after a loss and your knee jerk ridiculous post is a prime example of why.

Lol. Problem is, I'm dead on. This team is not hard-wired to win. Maybe next year...

3-1 start could to turn into 3-7.

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Minnesota sports fans, turning to optimism as a last resort since 1961.

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