Notably, running QBs tend to be our achille's heel defensively. Pigrome is a running QB...and yet we've contained them today. I like the change!

Myrick runs 50 yards to defend a deep ball then tries to return a punt 5 seconds later.

Absolutely not PI. Good D by JM5.

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Does Wozniak have ears?

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Do we tell Woz the snap count?

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Wozniak is a straight minus player. He needs to stay off the field.

Rhoda lucky on that one

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Think we'll ever be able to RUTM? because we never stop trying, and I mean right behind the center up the middle...

Santoso didn't eat his Wheaties this morning or something.

Stupid. Any team that has dback returning punts does this. You don't put someone else there to catch the punt.

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Yep. If we put someone inexperienced in for him and they fumble, the coaches would have been ripped for that.

That was so freaking obvious. I hope the fans are booing the team.

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