That was a lot of broken tackles for a 1 yard pass.

If Maryland gets -13 yards every drive, they aren't going to score much.

I mean, if the game isn't already over, one more touchdown will confirm it.

100 yards of offense for Maryland through 3 quarters. That's insane.

well that sucked, because the hold didn't help the run.

well I guess it did. Nevermind, good call.

What's scarier is Rutgers should be worse...

By the way......I like the "Slash and Bash" nickname they've given our running game.

2-17 RUTM for loss of 1
3-18 RUTM for no gain

at what point does this staff ever consider, hey, RUTM doesn't work
on every down, perhaps.....run outside? Maybe? Ever? nah...

That was a hold. May not have done anything to help spring Brooks....but it was a hold.

I think the point is there is grabbing, impeding, shoulder pad holding, and tackling on virtually every play. These are rarely called in our favor which is why today is so shocking.

2-17 RUTM for loss of 1
3-18 RUTM for no gain

at what point does this staff ever consider, hey, RUTM doesn't work
on every down, perhaps.....run outside? Maybe? Ever? nah...

Did you think they expecting to pick up the first down?

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This is some bad football. I am glad we are up by 17, but reall bad, boring football

Defense has been decent. I think I count 3 plays in MN territory?

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Connor Rhoda being out rushed by both Demry Croft and Seth Green this year.

Defense has been decent. I think I count 3 plays in MN territory?

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Maryland may have had the first ever collegiate offensive drive of 10+ plays that didn't cross the 50.

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