Can anyone here explain the 25 yard cushion we're giving their slow ass receivers?

I like how unprepared our Linebackers were for the QB sneak on 3rd and 1. They were nowhere near the line of scrimmage. WTH?

Worst second half team ive seen in awhile, that's coaching. Claeys don't be back next year.

Loud cheers for Iowa, back to the way it used to be

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Worst second half team ive seen in awhile, that's coaching. Claeys don't be back next year.

You must have really hated Mason.

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OK. Defense did its job, held them to another FG. 6 points. Let's get a touchdown!!!!

Really surprised Iowa didn't challange that, looked really close on the TV replay

6-0 is getting out of reach. My time watching may be dependent on which QB comes out this next drive.

Flea-Flicker time. I want 5 or 6 of them.

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Worst second half team ive seen in awhile, that's coaching. Claeys don't be back next year.[/QU

We'll let you work on your English skills so you can make more sense when expressing your views. Meanwhile let's get the through the season and calm down.

Flea-Flicker time. I want 5 or 6 of them.

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Halfback option or triple reverse would be good too.

Brooks fights for every inch. What a warrior out there.

NO FG. I want them to go for it if we hit 4th down. So two runs please.

Brooks slams his way in and now we have the lead! Yes!

Nice run brooks!

Thoroughly outplayed but leading. I like it.

Hey, if it works in a video game it should work at TCF.

Mattel Talking Football was actually pre-video game. It was a really corny game that was played with these little consoles that would advertise the result of the play.

Yes. More of that #23 please.

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