I have to say that I feel better this week than last week. OK, that's an obvious comment, but we just look more confident and organized--conservative, yes, but I feel like we can beat this team.

Dumb dumb dumb dumb. This is the main thing I hate about this coaching staff. More conservative than Newt Gingrich out there. What is this?

This staff is all about playing not to lose. The commentator is all about playing to win.

Dumb dumb dumb dumb. This is the main thing I hate about this coaching staff. More conservative than Newt Gingrich out there. What is this?

Yeah on the road at Michigan you have to empty the play book.

Jones can't be our punt returner. The reward of his being dangerous with the ball in his hands is more than balanced out by the fact that he has to get up and catch the ball. Pussy effort by our punter and the next time Claeys comes out with the three man rush, which hasn't worked all year, someone up in the booth needs to slap the sh=t out of him.

We did it guys!!!!! Only down 7 at half!! Let's get into the locker room and celebrate!!

1:21 and 3 timeouts from your own 30....I get the idea of not wanting to make a mistake right before the half but knowing they get the ball first in the second why not try and make something happen? Show some faith in your players and go try and make a play.

You guys act like we haven't play conservatively since we've been watching gopher football. Very few living people have witnessed an aggressive gopher offense.

Coaches are clearly playing not to lose big... this is sad...

When you just kill the clock to end the half, that is the coaches quitting on the team!!

Offense too constipated. Gophers have to throw downfield, get a little reckless - they have to score to win this game; they're not going to win on ball control, possession, etc. Limegrover is too timid.

Coach Kill keeps talking about changing the culture. This playing to not lose is not going to do that.

2 plays kill me - letting the punt roll down to the one on us! and 3rd and long pass TD on us!

Lets hope the trend of playing better in the 2nd half than the 1st continues today.

Other than Leidner's fumble, I am very pleased with the game. Especially a 9 1/2+ minute touchdown drive.

Michigan has only scored twice when given the ball in their own territory. I'm disgusted that this Defense isn't complimented by a more aggressive Offense...

A turnover and piss poor punt gives them 14 pts. We score on a long drawn out drive with imagination, and Limegrover reverts back to an offense more vanilla than vanilla....... I just don't get it.

Lets hope the trend of playing better in the 2nd half than the 1st continues today.

Other than Leidner's fumble, I am very pleased with the game. Especially a 9 1/2+ minute touchdown drive.

Finally something said that makes some sense, instead of all the other venom that is causing numerous smh concussions.

Coach Kill keeps talking about changing the culture. This playing to not lose is not going to do that.

Why not take a couple of shots and get into field goal range? If its picked off and ran back so be it. Whether we lose 42-7 or 28-7 does it really matter except in vegas. Limegrover is really clown and no has business being a coordinator in big time college football.

A turnover and piss poor punt gives them 14 pts. We score on a long drawn out drive with imagination, and Limegrover reverts back to an offense more vanilla than vanilla....... I just don't get it.

This. The TD drive was a great mix of different run looks and passes.

I wouldn't have had a problem running out the clock if we were getting the ball to start the 2nd. But the fact that Michigan JUST scored and gets the ball back and you have to be aggressive. You are essentially giving them a turnover and back to back possessions there.

I don't mind the conservative last 90 seconds of play. With the Gophers style of play, I'm afraid that more negative possibilities were out there than positive ones. We are not a come-from-behind kind of team, so lets not make any foolish mistakes. I'd rather see them continue to grind it out. Thats what won us the first 4 games (and almost beat Texas tech last December).

This. The TD drive was a great mix of different run looks and passes.

I wouldn't have had a problem running out the clock if we were getting the ball to start the 2nd. But the fact that Michigan JUST scored and gets the ball back and you have to be aggressive. You are essentially giving them a turnover and back to back possessions there.

That's what I don't get. I nearly posted that I thought Claeys was calling the plays but then the next 2 possessions looked like "run up the middle, run up the middle, run up the middle, punt"...

2 plays kill me - letting the punt roll down to the one on us! and 3rd and long pass TD on us!

that honestly was just an extremely unlucky bounce. felt our PR played it right in that you don't want to rush up into traffic to field, risking a TO, but ya that was brutal

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