Michigan's Defense might be done by the 4th if we keep pounding like this...

That 2nd down play is the time for play action.

Needed to pass when you see the line stacked like that

Cobb demonstrates the difference between a senior and a freshman. We are very young.

Here we go, kill/Limegrover predictable offense with a stagnate qb. 2 dn and 7yd, they bring down both safeties and we don't audible out? Stick with the same zone run between the tackles... then throw on 3rd and long.


Our wr's are going to have a hard time getting open. Luckily mich is horrible on offense giving us a chance.

There is terrible sack number 1.

It looks like Jones would have had his guy beat at the top on the pump fake but the cornerback ran right into Jones. In the NFL, that would have been an easy illegal contact call. Or if Leidner throws it right after the pump fake, might have gotten a PI call.

Morris sucks too but he just made a throw that Leidner probably couldn't.

How long are we going to rely on the Defense? Sooner or later, our Defense will bend. Come on Limegrover, get creative please!?

Morris sucks too but he just made a throw that Leidner probably couldn't.

Ya, I jinxed it. I told my friend that Morris looked worse than Leidner. Then he completed a pass that Leidner wouldn't even see.

looks like we will have to beat the refs too this game

Cut it out with the penalties and gain some imagination on 1st and 2nd down and we can win this game.

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