Has Woli caught a pass yet, or just dropped them?

If it's not our QB. It's something else. This passing attack is just terrible.

I am so sick of Solo dropping passes. Last year. This year. I'm almost done with #82

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Field position has completely flipped. Not good.

See how bad Limegrover is? You guys might put that on Leidner, but had we actually had some creativity on first or second down, 3rd down wouldn't be so hard. Run, Run, 3rd and long. Chances are good that they will defend the pass.

Flags into good field position? Tell me again how officials don't influence the game?

See how bad Limegrover is? You guys might put that on Leidner, but had we actually had some creativity on first or second down, 3rd down wouldn't be so hard. Run, Run, 3rd and long. Chances are good that they will defend the pass.

No. That is 100% on Woli

That was a fun quarter. Good game.

Better luck next week.

Unfortunately Limegrover doesn't understand that offenses have to score points...not just hold the ball forever and hope the defense scores

I didn't think Funchess was set on that play, but ok.

how come their one dimensional offense can score them touchdowns?

Now we're starting to miss tackles or just tackle with shoulder pads, scared to hurt our fingers....

Meanwhile, our offense for the rest of the game won't get another first down.

Sorry kiddies.... this is the best we got.

Penalties and lack of any resemblance of a passing threat will be our demise. Mitch has looked decent but I would put Streveler in the game to utilize his option skills.

It looks like we can move the ball on the ground, but Leidner is no threat to do so. Why not Streveler?

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