SHocking...refs miss another call and give scUM 15 free yards. WTF - bad enough our schedule but these refs are doing everything but making takles on Cobb at this point to help scUM!

I wonder if Hoke is playing Morris so he has the excuse that "we're losing because we have a young quarterback" and tying that to he is trying to get the team to play his style as in "Gardner is Rodriguez' guy." Just a thought.

Whatever. Barring a turnaround today and a winning season, his butt is going to get mighty toasty.

Mr.Williams is apparently out of the doghouse.

Pirsig is playing well today. He bulldozed his guy on Roderick's first run.

Michigan will fire Hoke on before next week.

Getting blown out at home like this is gonna bring out the pitchforks and torches.

SHocking...refs miss another call and give scUM 15 free yards. WTF - bad enough our schedule but these refs are doing everything but making takles on Cobb at this point to help scUM!

Holy crap people...we are up 13 on our way to being up 20 stop bitching about the refs. They are not cheating for Michingan, they missed the call on the face mask but in real time I thought it was a facemask as well...how about enjoying the butt kicking that is taking place right now and stop bellyaching about the refs....

This is sweet, but not over yet! Lets go defense!!!! Pour it on.

wish i was there

It helps to have field position and a lead, but Limegrover has called a good game today and Leidner has executed pretty well.

#JugJugJug #skiUmah


Totally demoralized. I don't see michigan coming back against this defense.

yep...this is the game where the mich players try to get their coach fired

Can't under estimate Santoso's kick offs. This game has been all about field position.

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