Game over.

Kill's never lost a halftime lead. Good win.

Is this the Minnesota Gopher offense I've been watching for 4 games? WOW.

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone.

I don't think I've ever been more impressed with Cobb

99 yard drive, end of half, got three.

If any complaints, you guys are stupid.

Cobb is approaching MBIII and Darrell Thompson as my all time favorites. That was an amazing half.

Super psyched about that first half. A win today would be so big.

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The Gophers genuinely look like the better team, they should win this game.

Confusion reigns in managing the clock. Will have to settle for FG when saving time earlier would've given us a chance for a huge TD.

If we use the TO earlier then we don't run it at the end. Who knows what would have happened.

We beat Meatchicken today and Cobb goes down as an all time great in my bokk

Great job! Now I really hope that Michigan does NOT change QB's.

leidner 10/15 115yards

Hope Golden Shower's wife is getting a nap in today...gonna be busy later!

Cobb 111 yards at half time. Leidner 10 for 15 and 115 yards. Where is the Michigan D ranked in the country?

Cobb was 8th in the country before this game in rushing yards.

Cobb looks awesome. Offense was creative and very good in 2Q. Could some have been wrong? ML7 looked good. Could some have been wrong? The lesson is things change fast (in both directions) in CFB. Just enjoy the ride. Too many look for certain failures so hard they forget to cheer for the Gophers.

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