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On paper, we're worse than last year, at least as the season begins.

We're playing how we look on paper.

The season is young.

Agree with both your posts.

Given the WR situation, we're going to be seeing a lot of "8 in the box."

Yeah. Our passing game is a major concern. Our offense will struggle big time in B1G play.

Hey, we are very disappointed in our play. UNLV fans are thrilled. We're leading at half! We get the ball to start the 2nd half. I'll take it the first game of the season. Our superior caching staff will also make the best adjustments.

We'll go 24-3 in the 2nd half and it will look like a very nice win.

Indiana beating Indiana State 45 to 7 with 4:00 left in half. Sigh....

A positive for the first half is there were no offensive penalties. That has been a rarity the past few years.

First game of the year is always a crapshoot. Nobody knows what to expect. Gophers should have been blown out at USC. They weren't. They should have throttled NMSU. They lost. They should have beat UNLV easily last year. Again, no dice. Things have gone wrong for the Gophers and they're winning at half. I've watched this team enough to be happy with the lead and optimistic that they're going to improve.

Hey, we are very disappointed in our play. UNLV fans are thrilled. We're leading at half! We get the ball to start the 2nd half. I'll take it the first game of the season. Our superior caching staff will also make the best adjustments.

We'll go 24-3 in the 2nd half and it will look like a very nice win.

But do not tell our resident naysayers anything so positive, because they would rather look like experts with their negative babble, ncgo.

Speaking of, where did metrolaxative and lakesgopher go?

Anyone paying attention to the substitution patterns? Have we shuffled O & D linemen in and out, or alternate possessions?

Good, bad or indifferent, remember that UNLV return 19 starters. While I was ranting blowout, I actually expected them to play tough but not have the depth to last the 4th quarter.

I will admit I expected our O-line to play better or at least more consistent without getting blown up so many times. But it isn't the end of the world and it is 3 long weeks to get better before we play SJSU and 4 weeks to IA.

We don't have to be good enough to beat Alabama tonight, just UNLV and we have won the first half, now we need to win the second. We have two cupcakes the next two weeks to improve and bring some of our FR & R-FR talent into the mix and rotation.

Indiana beating Indiana State 45 to 7 with 4:00 left in half. Sigh....

Not comparable IMO. Indiana State is much worse than UNLV, just watch what we do to Western Illinois in two weeks.

But do not tell our resident naysayers anything so positive, because they would rather look like experts with their negative babble, ncgo.

Speaking of, where did metrolaxative and lakesgopher go?

Just trying to evaluate where we are... This could be a great building block game as others have stated.

You people also have to remember, UNLV is used to gambling. :)

Agree 100%. No McDonald, DCT, and Harbison is hurting us BAD. Not to mention AJ. But yeah, it's pretty clear that UNLV's DB's are better than our WR's right now -- there's not much separation out there.

Where is Harbison?

I like this side of you!!

Well, pride, when people come here and bull$hit me with their idiotic wind based on one example, I have a tendency to throw a spreader full of manure back at them. thanks, my friend.


metrolaxative, lakesgopher, where the fvck are you now after that return?

I swear on my daughter's life, I was just about to post about Jones running the kick back.

Sweetness. He missed him in that role most of last year.

Well, pride, when people come here and bull$hit me with their idiotic wind based on one example, I have a tendency to throw a spreader full of manure back at them. thanks, my friend.


I like your enthusiasm and I share the same feelings as you.

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