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Nelson with an absolutely bone head pass. Not a good start for a one dimensional offense.

To his credit, he had the nice play out of the end zone and the long run.

Edit: That hurt.

This is embarrassing. Without a doubt.

I bought into the hype but so far nothing makes me think we look like a better team than last season. A lot of game left to change my mind but the more unlv hangs around the more confident they will be

Way to make up for a good play, give up on a receiver and let him get 6.

Now that they have that behind them. I'm calling for a total blowout from here on out. Gophers 30+ UNLV 13

Oh noooooooo, WE SUCK AGAIN!!!! honestly, why do I come every year with high hopes? Why???

Now that they have that behind them. I'm calling for a total blowout from here on out. Gophers 30+ UNLV 13

I hope so, but I totally doubt it. This isn't a fluke thus far. Their D-line is dominating our O-line, they're mixing it up on offense and keeping our D off balance, we're clearly struggling to throw the ball (and will soon be one dimensional)...none of this bodes well for a blowout.

I hope so, but I totally doubt it. This isn't a fluke thus far. Their D-line is dominating our O-line, they're mixing it up on offense and keeping our D off balance, we're clearly struggling to throw the ball (and will soon be one dimensional)...none of this bodes well for a blowout.

Hey I can be delusional if I want. Get off of my cloud!

What a pathetic offensive series following a LONG drive by UNLV. Our D is undoubtedly pretty tired still. My goodness this is sad...

I hope so, but I totally doubt it. This isn't a fluke thus far. Their D-line is dominating our O-line, they're mixing it up on offense and keeping our D off balance, we're clearly struggling to throw the ball (and will soon be one dimensional)...none of this bodes well for a blowout.

If anyones success on offense has been flukey so far it has been ours.

This seems to be a much simpler playbook from the bowl game, have we reverted back?

Credit to UNLV. They are showing some positive qualities tonight that they have lacked for a long time.

This is only a half but the same old problems. Bad offensive line play, or rather no O line push at all. Little D line push. Remember UNLV is a very bad football team.

Credit to UNLV. They are showing some positive qualities tonight that they have lacked for a long time.

2 fluke plays have led to 13 points... I highly doubt they're improved much from last year...

Ok don, talk about the improvements u see...for worry, I'll wait

I'm not talking improvement, lakes. I am talking about the immediate incessant criticism. Let the frikking game play out, for god's sake.

We could score yet, but the key for a good coaching staff is half time adjustments. I'm looking forward to a good 2nd half.

2 fluke plays have led to 13 points... I highly doubt they're improved much from last year...

I agree that the actual scoring plays themselves were fluky (or rather, busted plays), but those drives were both sustained marches -- not 3 play fluke drives. Their offense has consistently moved the ball in the first half and looked MUCH sharper than our O.

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