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Drink responsibly - you know, sitting down so you won't fall down and hurt yourself!

Drink responsibly - you know, sitting down so you won't fall down and hurt yourself!

Posted this in the weather thread but think it is valid for those heading to the game. If you are going to drink please make wise decisions.


Drink responsibly - you know, sitting down so you won't fall down and hurt yourself!

Philly, I want you to know that I have never fallen off a bar stool. Tipped over with a couple of them, but never fell off.

Wow, I thought the stadium would be more packed. It looks maybe 3/4 full :/

Defense bending a little bit but that's to be expected... our D got stronger as games went along last Season...

Why are we playing our corners so far off the receivers? Wow

How many ppl said "same old gophers" *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#, have to score in response to get our momentum back

I hope we don't see a return of the predictable "Run-Run-Pass" Offense too much...

All we needed to do is play these guys tighter. I couldn't understand why we were giving
them way too much respect.

All we needed to do is play these guys tighter. I couldn't understand why we were giving
them way too much respect.

I'm hoping maybe Kill wanted to see what they would play against us...

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