A couple of things I've noticed since Kill took over... better speed and tackling.

Ugh would have been nice to break that up, keeping points against in the teens always looks better.

The Western Illinois / UNLV matchup is on AggieVision. Who would have thought.

He's such a good pure passer. In college those dual threat QBs usually do really well. But at the next level,False is going to be incredible.

I'm serious, Fales is seriously accurate... his completion rate is at 70%+, and we're not talking about short dump offs. And although I'm not saying he'll ever be as good as these guys but... he reminds me Kurt Warner and Aaron Rodgers (in terms of accuracy).

Stupid stupid play by Wells. He'll be incredibly lucky to play next week.

There is your insult-to-injury play of the game. Punter tossed.

Best part about the day for me? The hard running and relentless effort. We are going to need to be hard nosed come next week and the conference season getting underway.

Iowa is looking improved since losing to NIU, the battle for Floyd will be a very important game for this team and the direction of the season.

I'm not kidding. I'm fully confident in it; the kid has got some accuracy.

Oh I know he's talented I just don't think there will be as many teams looking to draft QBs this year. Jags and the Browns are the only two that stick out in my mind as needing "the QB of the future" at this point. I don't wanna get too deep into purple talk in a game thread but even with Ponder's sub-par play I don't see the Vikings taking a QB in the draft this year with so many needs on defense still.

Good things happen when you turn and look for the ball. Nice INT!

Oh I know he's talented I just don't think there will be as many teams looking to draft QBs this year. Jags and the Browns are the only two that stick out in my mind as needing "the QB of the future" at this point. I don't wanna get too deep into purple talk in a game thread but even with Ponder's sub-par play I don't see the Vikings taking a QB in the draft this year with so many needs on defense still.

And the UL quarterback will go first of the QB's.

Tampa could also be interested in a QB as well with Freeman's unknown status.

4-0, hell YEAH!!!
We gonna rip the pig from the hogeyes next week!!!

Great win... Clayes is pretty good at half time adjustments.

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