Lost my streamtorrent feed.

Hope I get it back soon. Is halftime over yet?

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AJ Barker always looks like he's shaky right before he catches a Punt...

I know we have thrown it only 5x, but is Barker in on offense. I haven't been paying attention to the WR.

"Scott Haugen, our normal statistician, will be back next week." I know that kid.

Gray definitely is comfortable this week... his throws have been beautiful today...

Stat Error....6 National Championships?? We have 7!!

Any injuries for us today? Not the best side line reporting.

It is a blast to be able to enjoy watching a gopher football game.

Alright Gray had a good day time to give Shortell some reps...

When was the last time we put in a Backup QB because we were winning by a lot? 2006? Even against FAU Weber played the whole game because we didn't really pull away until the 2nd Half...

Other then 1 game a year, I will say the Gophers had a very good run offense and some very good runners. Their blocking scheme was a very good one as well. wished things had worked out better with Shaw, regardless of whose fault it was!

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