Horrible. What the hell is going on. NO DEFENSE. TURNOVERS. NO CHEMISTRY.

Just the typical Gopher chokers that my dad has suffered from for 50 years.

What is with Mbakwe and Williams tonight? Its like they don't even care, no hustle, no passion.

And there you have it. Really ugly has arrived. :banghead::banghead::banghead:

this is what happens when you have a coach that knows how to run a half-court offense.

Michigan has had a ton of wide open layups and dunks. I can't think of a single one for the gophers tonight.
I live out of state in Arizona and seldom get to watch the gophers play. It seems like we have an excellent team this year but in this game it Looks like an NBA team vs a High School team. We don't belong on the same court with them. They defend so much better than us and we simply can't stay with them when we are on defense. Easy looks for the Wolverines almost every possession.

Haha wow. How many times have we given teams easy shot when there's no time left on the shot clock

Blowout city baby. It doesnt matter if Michigan is great like now or stinks, Beilein eats Tubbys lunch every year.

backdoor dunks in the half court?... now that is an offense!

they know our sets... and are now timing all the passes... as ugly 5 minutes there as there was in indiana.. why do we meltdown for 10 down to 20 down in big games?

We gamble too much on defense and overplay passing lanes and get burned for easy baskets...at the other end, we are a collection of poor ball-handlers and poor passers...Translates to many turnovers. Time and time again. More than anything Tubby has to change the culture of the team from free-wheeling, risky passers to NW-like, value the ball, and make sure we get a shot up on the iron.

and now we cannot defend an inbound play in front of our own basket???

Michigan has better players................

Agreed. But its hard to even gauge Michigan tonight because the amount of self-inflicted damage done tonight has been truly something to behold. We wouldn't have beaten much of anybody in the league with either our effort or our performance in this game. That's the part that is most upsetting. It isn't like Michigan has been burning up the nets. They've played well, but my god have we been awful.

Can this school ever win a meaningful game?

Nope. Never have and never will and I have followed BB/FB for a long time. Not a big hockey fan but that is my only hope once again.

their guy throws two elbows and its a double foul??? I hope Dickie V keels over in the next 10 minutes

It's become clear over the years we don't match-up well with Michigan. We're also playing like crap, but this is not our best match-up by far.

And here's where we go on a little runlet that makes the final score mask how badly we played.

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