I actually think Eliason has given us very good minutes tonight. Was very active on defense.

coleman is sleepwalking... i'm not kidding... where is the guy that play out of his head at ILL???

can we ever get the lead to be single digits? we never can seem to do it

I'm so over this late game comeback thing. Try playing for 40 minutes please.

the key was andre only playing 5 1st half minutes...

I think we can get this within 5...Not sure if we can get enough stops to get within 1 possession...Keep playing defense and hope they tighten up.

so if an elbow to the head is an automatic review and possible flagrant, shouldn't a knee to the head be an ejection? (sarcasm, kind of)

as fun as comebacks are to watch, I would prefer to be up from the start, much easier on the heart

Makes our win at Ill look a lot less impressive.

And our win over NW (and upcoming win @NW) look better. Only media cares about the difference. Computers and Selection Committee? Not as much.

Joe's gotta throw that up after the guy lands on him.

now we have fire in our eyes... but why can't we come out of the gate like this?...

the key was andre only playing 5 1st half minutes...

nope. Welch played well, difference is and always has been turnovers, simple as that, Tubby needs to Address this ASAP!

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