Official Gophers in the NFL Updates Thread

I guess being the #3 all time most accurate Gophers QB doesn't count for much...

Well haters and bashers...Weber certainly was better than anyone else on the Gopher..

squad at his position during the past FOUR seasons. You people are really vindictive the way you bash Weber. What are you going to say about this years quarterback at the University of Minnesota????? BASH the coaches...trash the administrators who hired the pathetic most recently fired poor-excuse for a gm/recruiter...that brewster character. But, don't hammer on the players. IF you do, expect to be reminded of just how low-rent your tactics are...

; 0 )

I certainly hope that who ever plays qb this year completes 60% of his passes, at least. How badly are you going to bash Gray or who ever is attempting to get the job done THIS season if they throw any rushed passes, throw the ball away, get rushed because the offensive line breaks down or are marked men because there is NO running game to take the heat off.

You people really are some pretty mean-spirited mobbers and bashers of college student athletes. So, which of you will start the bashing if things don't look so pretty this season?????

I sure hope that the Gophers have a running game this year to help out who ever is trying to play the quarterback position. Because you bashers and mobbers will certainly be ready to crucify who ever may play qb in 2011...

; 0 (

Ditch that badger joel macturi NOW! prexy k sounds pretty soft and pretty much not ready for prime time when it comes to evaluating an ad for revenue producing sports based upon his more recent comments to the local scribes...

; 0 )

Nate Triplett is playing for the Colts these days. I read an article that said he was playing pretty well on defense and making plays. Sounds like he's going to make the team this year.

Nice piece on Sherels' chances on making the Vikings roster except for the part where the author says that the Gophers were one of the worst teams in the country his last two seasons. I don't see how making two bowl games makes you one of the worst.

The author also wrote that Marcus "... played on one of the worst defenses in the nation as a senior ..." The truth is in 2009 they were tied with Michigan State for 61st out of 120 teams when measured by total yards allowed per game (364.3).

It seems even Associated Press reporters are getting lazy.

Nice piece on Sherels' chances on making the Vikings roster except for the part where the author says that the Gophers were one of the worst teams in the country his last two seasons. I don't see how making two bowl games makes you one of the worst.

Yes, someone didn't check their facts, the 2009 Gophers were not one of the worst teams in the country. And while the 2010 Gophers were one of the worst teams in the BCS (Sagarin has Duke, Purdue, Indiana and Wake Forest rated beaneath us), there were 34 FBS teams worse according to Sagarin. Those last couple games took some of the sting out of it.

And he also claims that his TD was the only touchdown of the Vikings preseason. It was the first TD of the preseason, but the Vikings got a 4th quarter TD.

Reporting in general seems to be getting more error-filled as time goes on. Not sure if it's a function of a society that's just trying to cut out as many stories as possible, or less people involved in the editing process or what.

per Sid:

"Former Gophers wide receiver Arland Bruce was named the Canadian Football League offensive player of the week this week. Bruce is now playing wide receiver for the B.C. Lions and caught nine passes for 129 yards with two touchdowns in their victory over Edmonton last week."


"Jay Cutler liked what he saw in former Gophers running back Marion Barber III's second preseason debut for the Chicago Bears on Monday night. Speaking to, Cutler said of Barber: "Downhill guy. Makes great cuts. I think he's got real good vision inside the tackle box. I think we need to incorporate him a little bit more, probably." Barber rushed 13 times for 49 yards."

Go Gophers!!

Three former Gophers survive Vikings first cut

Sherels, McKinley and White are still hanging around. Maybe they will all show up well Thursday night.

Just saw that, didn't even know he was returning punts!

Was just about to start a thread about that. Maybe he should have been returning punts for us too.

How many punt returners are 6'3? He never had breakaway speed so this is baffling. He also had a 98 yard kickoff return last year for a TD that was nullified.

During the replay Dilfer said there goes the "homerun speed." :D I don't think I've ever heard that about Decker before. But, that was one sweet return. It's great to see him doing so well.

Great to see Decker house one on MNF.

Denver has done all right with MN grads all the way back to Meckelberg (sp).

WSR at his finest!!!! Well played, Deck!!!

Was just about to start a thread about that. Maybe he should have been returning punts for us too.

Actually Railbaron started a new thread on this and it was moved.

I don't mean to sound disrespectful but I think the mods are getting a little trigger happy with moving and deleting threads.

Actually Railbaron started a new thread on this and it was moved.

I don't mean to sound disrespectful but I think the mods are getting a little trigger happy with moving and deleting threads.

When we woke up this morning there were four different threads on Decker's TD. That felt a bit much. This is a community driven board so if people would like multiple threads on the same topic, we can certainly do that, but the feedback we've received to date is that one thread is enough on a topic like that. But we are certainly flexible and are always willing to adapt.

When we woke up this morning there were four different threads on Decker's TD. That felt a bit much. This is a community driven board so if people would like multiple threads on the same topic, we can certainly do that, but the feedback we've received to date is that one thread is enough on a topic like that. But we are certainly flexible and are always willing to adapt.

Thanks for the response. Just wanted to express my opinion and see if anyone agreed or disagreed.

I thought the Decker td might have deserved it's own thread. Didn't realize there were four seperate threads.

Decker just caught his first NFL recieving touchdown!

Final line: 5 catches for 113 yards and 2TDs.


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