Hate to count this one out. We get to find out what our new athletic director is made of. His first highly intense was the North Carolina thing, now he has a very difficult decision. He will be crucified by the national media if he fires a coach that won the first game in 16 years but hammered the local media. If he doesn't the local media will crucified if he doesn't.

The media is the media. He needs to make a change for the program. 6 years in and Tubby has not got it done. Nothing in his makeup or decision making will things change in the future. Time to give someone else a chance.

Ya and Shaka just got his ass cleaned by Michigan. He can stay there... In his case it's all about him. Prima Donna

How many times have you posted on this board that Teague needed to call Smart? I bet it's more than 10. If so, this statement really makes you look like an imbecile.

Do tell! I bet he'd love it in the Twin Cities! Did you know he grew up in Wisconsin? There's no way he'd turn us down!

Lol this has been one of the better exchanges on Gopherhole. Well done.

Lets see what this team including the coach is made of.......do they lay down like lazy dogs or fight to gain some respect.......this is embarrrrrrrasssssing..................no excuses for not competing....

Maybe we'll finally get to see meaning minutes for Wally.

Put Wally in for Rodney? i'm all for it.

* Plus, Rodney wouldn't have to worry about injuring himself and ruining his lottery status. :p

Tim Brando is trying to give people watching every reason to turn the channel...maybe I should listen to him.

Don't worry fellas. The Oto/Walker decoy system WILL work.

WE ARE FANTASTIC COMING OUT OF TIMEOUTS...I bet Florida would be willing to let us use some of theirs if the game gets close

Wally recovering from pneumonia, doubtful any action from him.

I didn't know that. I was wondering why they didn't give him a couple minutes in the UCLA game...

Look for Rodney to run wild here as Florida becomes disinterested.
Highlight reel dunk coming up.
Of course, his massive portfolio of deficiencies will again be ignored.

Glad for the "official" game thread today...

...it's drawn in all the wackos. Wow, can't believe some of the solid analysis going on in that thread! :rolleyes:

Tubby's got the clipboard out. Here comes a whopper of an inbounds play.

You know we did have a very similar game against Indiana this year. You never know...

That is true, but I listen to Norwood Teague's show and almost all of his interviews (on the road job) and he was surprised by the reaction to the UNC decision by both the national and local media and I think he will factor it in. I just want a athletic director with some balls make the decision either way, lets not have a Monson-Maturi thing happen. (albeit Tubby can't be fired mid season)

Honestly, the more I think about it, that can't be a factor. The national media will freak out for 15 seconds and then go to LaBron highlights. It's more a question of how the candidates for the job will perceive it.

We need to start scoring inside. Trevor has to get some buckets. Also, I'm glad we finally didn't turn the ball over after that stoppage. lol

Anyone know how timeouts work in college bball? We started half with 3 and Florida with 4? Dont you get a set number per half?

Are we going on a little run here?! I like the hustle and intensity right now! Where was this the 1st half?!

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