Highest scoring first half in NCAA history? You have to admit there's at least a little bit of bad luck here...

Of course but defense and dictating pace are under a team's control.

Dude, calm down. We're just calling it like we see it. No need to call names...

Nah that's the issue, people are complaining about stuff that isn't there.

Both teams are turning the ball over.

Both teams are shooting .500 from 3 pt.

The difference is Florida can't miss, they had the highest scoring half in program history.

On the real, f*** all you chumps that are just posting garbage here.

Are we playing great? No. When the opponents are making 2 of out every 3 shots its probably not going t
For all the complaining about turnovers and the press it is even at half, 9 each.

You need to pull your head out of your a##

On the real, f*** all you chumps that are just posting garbage here.

Are we playing great? No. When the opponents are making 2 of out every 3 shots its probably not going to matter though.

For all the complaining about turnovers and the press it is even at half, 9 each.

The garbage is what we're doing on the. Court and sidelines. Posters here know what they see and don't need to ignore it or try to cover it up with phony rah-rah stuff.

Wolves having a UCLA like game. 3 minutes in, and it's 2-0 Wolves.

If Florida was even shooting 50% this thing would be single digits, get a f***ing grip people.

There is a few on this board that have had it stuck up there awhile, regarding Tubby and this team.

Dude, calm down. We're just calling it like we see it. No need to call names...

Yeah, let's save the name college for 18-22 year old basketball players. Leave the Gopherhole posters alone.

Florida is a better team...period. Admittedly, they have shot out of their minds, but our inability to inbound the ball or break the press is glaring. If you can't get the ball up the court, even if Florida was shooting poorly we would STILL be losing. Donovan is a good coach.

Nah that's the issue, people are complaining about stuff that isn't there.

Both teams are turning the ball over.

Both teams are shooting .500 from 3 pt.

The difference is Florida can't miss, they had the highest scoring half in program history.

Florida doesn't insist on playing a defensive scheme that isn't working.
Florida isn't having problems getting the ball inbounds.
Florida isn't playing scrubs.

Florida is a better team...period. Admittedly, they have shot out of their minds, but our inability to inbound the ball or break the press is glaring. If you can't get the ball up the court, even if Florida was shooting poorly we would STILL be losing. Donovan is a good coach.

He's a great coach.

Tubby is too stubburn to get out of the zone defense...I knew this would happen. They were never going miss wide open shots like UCLA.

The refs not calling it even just piles on....but they would be up 14 even if the refs called it even. We can't handle the press and we can't finish as effectively as they do. They don't gamble on defense and leave shooters wide open.

They are better prepared, executing and getting most of the calls....Recipe for a blowout.

Wrong Guys, taking wrong shots.

The frustrating thing I have with this team is that the wrong guys take the wrong shots.

I dont mind when Rodney tries to take his man off the dribble trying to use his athleticism. But he hasnt made a faceup contested jumper in months but continues to take them.
Oto comes in the game and dribble back downs a player to shoot an airball.

90% of shots should come from.
Andre from anywhere
Austin when open from anywhere
Mbawke from 10-12ft
Rodney from 4-6ft.
Mo-Elliot at the Rim
Joe while going to the basket.

The other 10% should be:
Welch, Mav 3pts shots
Coleman open mid-ranges

And nothing else!

Shaka Smart is the greatest coach that ever has or will live. There's no doubt. (Outside of Tony Dungy of course).

He only knows ow to coach mid major talent, his system wouldn't work with Hollins, Hollins, Coleman and Williams.

Florida should win this game - there's no reason on paper to think that they wouldn't. The Gophers, however, should not be trailing them by 20+ points at halftime for any reason, freakish shooting percentage or not.

Hate to count this one out. We get to find out what our new athletic director is made of. His first highly intense was the North Carolina thing, now he has a very difficult decision. He will be crucified by the national media if he fires a coach that won the first game in 16 years but hammered the local media. If he doesn't the local media will crucified if he doesn't.

And he loves Norwood Teague. Did you know that Teague came from VCU, where Smart is now?

Do tell! I bet he'd love it in the Twin Cities! Did you know he grew up in Wisconsin? There's no way he'd turn us down!

Give Flip a practice facility and we're winning this game by 25.

Hate to count this one out. We get to find out what our new athletic director is made of. His first highly intense was the North Carolina thing, now he has a very difficult decision. He will be crucified by the national media if he fires a coach that won the first game in 16 years but hammered the local media. If he doesn't the local media will crucified if he doesn't.

Honestly, the more I think about it, that can't be a factor. The national media will freak out for 15 seconds and then go to LaBron highlights. It's more a question of how the candidates for the job will perceive it.

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