I'm trying hard not to be negative...

Well on the bright side we will get a higher draft pick right? :banghead:

If we get blown out by enough, will it cancel out Tubby having 'saved himself' by beating UCLA?

Everything I read Tubby was gone unless we made a deeper run. I think he is gone.

Hopefully Tubby will be "Howlanded" before the plane lands at MSP

On the real, f*** all you chumps that are just posting garbage here.

Are we playing great? No. When the opponents are making 2 of out every 3 shots its probably not going to matter though.

For all the complaining about turnovers and the press it is even at half, 9 each.

What I'm not interested in, is hearing Charles gloat about how right he is...I'm turning the channel

Well guys, at least we have next year to look forward to... oh wait, nvm.

If Florida was even shooting 50% this thing would be single digits, get a f***ing grip people.

What is with them not calling fouls? They're mugging us.

Not trying to make excuses for the way they are playing, but there is been a clear disparity in the officiating.

The press break is horrendous and our inbounds plays are laughable. This should be fairly basic stuff, and it is for almost all other teams.

On the real, f*** all you chumps that are just posting garbage here.

Are we playing great? No. When the opponents are making 2 of out every 3 shots its probably not going to matter though.

For all the complaining about turnovers and the press it is even at half, 9 each.

Dude, calm down. We're just calling it like we see it. No need to call names...

After this disappointing of a finish, do you think Trevor will petition for another year of eligibility
Perhaps Rodney can since he didn't show up for most of the second half of the schedule?

If Florida was even shooting 50% this thing would be single digits, get a f***ing grip people.

You are allowed to guard them. How many open 3s have they had?

Highest scoring first half in NCAA history? You have to admit there's at least a little bit of bad luck here...

Not trying to make excuses for the way they are playing, but there is been a clear disparity in the officiating.

The press break is horrendous and our inbounds plays are laughable. This should be fairly basic stuff, and it is for almost all other teams.

I don't suspect that we would win if the officiating wasn't so suspect, but i think it would be a lot more interesting of a game if it was being called fairly.

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