This is awful. Their facial expressions indicate resignation more than anything else.

Man oh man oh man our offense stinks. Posts wandering around outside trying to figure out who to screen. No one getting open. Guys in positions where they have no skills.

Reading all of the comments on these Game Day Threads reminds me of a family reunion...Everything is bad, nothing good. Everything is wrong, nothing is right. Why is this guy playing, why isn't that guy playing. That is why I quit going to family reunions. But, this is more fun.

Man we play tentative...almost scared. This kids are lacking confidence big time right now.

This is another game that was there for the taking. Ohio State has played sloppy and inconsistent, they could have been beaten tonight.

Ohio State isn't even playing well. If we were playing as well as we were early in the season we'd definitely win this game.

I love Trevor to death, but he almost looks dis-engaged at this point.

Jim Burr...is he waiting for his great grandkids to play so he can ref them?

With the preseason hype and early season top ten ranking, this has arguably become the most disappointing season in the last 6 years.

Good grief...too much standing around on O....not that it's that unusual

Someday I'll be fortunate enough to watch a good gopher team.

I can't believe I bought in to actually thinking this team was as good as the 97 team. This team is horrible!!!

With their enrollment, surely they could find better looking cheerleaders.

doesn't look like we'll hit 50 tonight. I'm going to pack my bags for my flight to Florida tomorrow AM.

Don't think limiting TOers to single digit would help....Geez

One more thing...were at 16 turnovers...will we hit 30?

Reading all of the comments on these Game Day Threads reminds me of a family reunion...Everything is bad, nothing good. Everything is wrong, nothing is right. Why is this guy playing, why isn't that guy playing. That is why I quit going to family reunions. But, this is more fun.
Are you disagreeing?

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