James has had a rough couple of first games.

This is where quarterbacks go to die. Why would anyone commit to play for Limegrover?

WHY JAMES?! Dude, I don't ven know what to say at this point. I'm going to make myself an extremely strong drink during this break. This is so pathetic.

there's not enough alcohol in my house to make this bearable at this point

Yeah one of Kill's greatest strength is how stubborn he is and it reflects with his decision to start the season with a QB who is simply not talented enough. It will be interesting to see when a decision is made, the season is not lost but things can head that way in a hurry.

One of the most painful halfs of offensive football that I have ever seen. CSUs offense totally sucks as well. <10 yards passing combined. We still don't have a first down. No excuse for this performance. This is not a good team we are playing.

Mitch sets his feet really well. That is a sign that your QB needs to sit the hell down. Jittery, happy feet. Cannot do that

Perhaps he misunderstood the notes from the Peyton Manning camp.

Meanwhile, he only needs 95 yards to score a touchdown after forfeiting that punt reception.

Time to shake it up. RUTM isn't working, Leinder isn't working. Something HAD to change, now.

Is it just me or do these announcers seem to be "cheering" for CSU? I feel like every positive play for CSU there are ecstatic but when MN does something good (which is has been rare to this point), they seem indifferent.

They are definitely cheering for Colorado State.

Starting to worry Kent St will give us a game...

Their QB is terrible. This is a game we should win, bottom line.

Yeah I don't see CSU scoring much more...now we just have to find out if our offense can actually do anything. Plenty of time to turn things around but no matter how you slice it this has been a pathetic start by the offense and if we play like this against a Big Ten team we will get smoked.

Yeah one of Kill's greatest strength is how stubborn he is and it reflects with his decision to start the season with a QB who is simply not talented enough. It will be interesting to see when a decision is made, the season is not lost but things can head that way in a hurry.

At least he could have had a QB who could pass as the backup.

I'm in favor of only giving it to Smith for the rest of the game.

Well maybe today is just a case of good offense but better defense.....(sarcasm)

3rd long again (yes, 4 is long for us)...

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