Here's your proof:
I don't know if I fully agree. What proof do we have that he could recognize talent - star ratings?
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Do you really think one of the top 5 overall programs in college football (FL St.) would bring him in as Recrutiing Coordinator, of all things, if he "couln't recognize talent?"
Didn't Brewster's last recruiting class just graduate this year? And didn't he bring in guys like Hageman, Vereen, Epping, and Botticelli, or am I mistaken about that? Those guys were pretty instrumental to recent the success of the program, and not really considered highly rated recruits (outside of Hageman at a high 3-star). So there's some proof for you outside of star ratings (which you seem to think are always wrong, or should always be 100% right all the time and they're not, or something, not sure what's going on there...).
Brewster helped recruit some unreal classes at Texas under Mac Brown before he was even a glimmer in Maturi's eye. Vince Young ring a bell? One of the greatest CFB QBs of all time. As the story goes, Mac Brown wasn't going to go after him (why is another story), but Brew made it his personal priority to get him. Vince Young was all Brew's doing. That means he was basically single handedly responsible for that amazing run Texas had with Young, and, as Brewster likes to say, a Natty (which he has a few of now, I believe, possibly 3? maybe 2? 1? Don't recall if he was still at Texas by the time they won it, he may have left for the NFL by then. Either way, pretty darn impressive for someone who doesn't belong in college football).
Tom Lemming, who is pretty well respected .......but maybe not by you. I'm guessing he said the Gophers weren't very good during a 3 win season, or something, so you boycotted all of his material..... by having it pasted here instead. Usually how it goes around here......... anyway, Lemming said in 2008 that Tim Brewster was one of the top 10 recruiters he HAS EVER SEEN. No offense, but he's seen a lot more than you. He's been in the business for 40 years. Rivals rated him the 3rd best recruiter in the country in the early 2000s while he was at Texas. Again, I might take Rivals word over yours (Oh thats right, they rank players incorrectly because the Gophers don't get any 5-star guys, or something...again, I have no idea....). He hasn't missed a beat at FSU. In 2014, ESPN has him ranked as the 6th best recruiter in the Country.
You're right. That guy couldn't recognize talent if it fell out of sky and landed on his head. That's a weak resume....
Some say he isn't too shabby at coaching TEs. O'Leary was a monster for FSU under Brewster. He also coached TE's in the NFL. I've heard/read him get a considerable amount of credit for helping mold Antionio Gates from an UFDA with nearly zero football experience, to first-team All-Pro TE, in one season. You know who gave him the credit (beside himself, probably)? Antonio Gates, himself. It's still out there....give it a google.
....that resume outside of Gopher land just never ends does it? But man, he just doens't know what he's doing. Get him out of football ASAP. How can all of these extremely good evaluators and coaches not see what you are seeing from behind your computer screen? They are such suckers. It must be really easy to overlook that kind of thing when your to-do list is: Plan Jan 1 bowl game logistics, figure out where to put College Game Day, order another trophy case for the hall of champions, figure out how to spend all of that new booster cash, and polish my national championship ring.
We get it. Brewster sucked here. He was awful as a head coach. He couldn't handle that role. He set the program back, and you're bitter about it. But, is it almost time to stop with the Brewster sensationalism? Some of the statements are just so, so, so proposterous, and clearly haven't been researched in any way, shape, or form.