I never once claimed that I completely discount recruiting rankings so I'm not sure why you bring that up. I simply said his argument was SOLELY based on star ratings and that by itself isn't a strong argument. And if you don't think there's some truth to your last sentence then you don't pay attention. There are absolutely times when a players star rating is affected based on his offers. May not be the norm but it happens every year.
You don't solely claim anything but I'm the idiot because I do. Ha You can find lots of posts from me supporting the coaches in their evaluation and development of talent.
You can also find several comments from Jerry Kill essentially wishing he could recruit 4 star kids or gushing and praising the potential of the ones he has. He is well aware of star rankings. Yes, we recruit to our system. But, if we could get the players Alabama, USC, OSU gets we'd recruit them. Jerry says as much.
We recruit the best of what we can get for our system from the pool of guys we can get not from the entire pool of all available high school seniors. Jerry Kill is a very good football program developer, absolutely.
He'd be a better coach if he could get better players. He also says that. He is happy with the group he has. He also has no choice but to be happy with it. I'm happy with it. As I said earlier we don't know...the 2 star kids could end up being our best players. It's not the point. The point is it'd be nice to get higher rated players WHICH we would absolutely accept depending on the timing. He does have integrity, he's not going to pull an offer of a lower rated kid because some kid higher rated wants to come last minute and wasn't interested earlier.
The stars are absolutely not the only thing but they absolutely do matter. Only a fool would just dismiss the rankings. One example: Ohio State QB's Braxton Miller, starter 4 star 6.0, next up JT Barrett 4 star 5.9, and
Cardale Jones 3 star at 5.7 and the 12th rated QB for that year.
Bottom line, Jerry Kill needs higher ranked recruits for us to be a Top 10 team in the country at seasons end.
If I'm wrong I'll be happy btw You all seem to lose sight of the fact I want us to be better than we are. I'm not satisfied with 8 wins. Pleased there is improvement but it's going to take better players to keep rising.
Another point: You don't think prospective recruits pay attention to these rankings? It's harder to sell when your classes keep landing in the 50's