Norwood Teague resigns amind sexual harassment allegations

This situation actually seems very straightforward. Isn't the "tough questions" angle usually used when there is an implied coverup, or the President was in on it, etc... What a twat. What exactly are the tough questions?

Myron went to Mankato and grew up in Wiconsin, and works for ESPN, not sure he knows what a question is? Or journalism for that matter.

Is it just me, or does it not seem like the relationship between Teague and whomever the other person(s) are was already pretty flirtatious in nature between the two and that there had to be some reciprocal back and forth "bed talk" going on between them and not just coming unsolicited from Teague exclusively? If so, and it was in fact reciprocal flirting and bed talk going on between them outside of captured text messages, then it seems like a crappy situation for Teague that he gets the boot in all of it. Perhaps that is why there was apparently talk going on around his camp that he should "fight" the harassment accusations in the matter, but in the end just decided to sacrifice himself for the good of the U of M and not dragging the situation out. Just my two cents if I am reading those quotes correctly.

Who know, doesn't matter. Teague resigned. A betting man would tell you that tells you everything...

Booze or no booze, that is unacceptable. If some dude that worked with my gal was sending her that type of crap, you'd be reading about me in the paper the next day. I do hope that the next AD is someone with a strong Football/Basketball background.

Booze or no booze, that is unacceptable. If some dude that worked with my gal was sending her that type of crap, you'd be reading about me in the paper the next day. I do hope that the next AD is someone with a strong Football/Basketball background.

The full text of the texts will be out soon. It sounds like they will be horrible.

How does an AD not have better judgment?

PS the booze is a red herring. He may be an alcoholic but not all alcoholics are pigs.

The basketball side has excerpts from his texts. He is totally screwed! mentions tongues and skinny dipping.

What will this do to the ground breaking of the Center for Athletic Excellence?

The basketball side has excerpts from his texts. He is totally screwed! mentions tongues and skinny dipping.

What will this do to the ground breaking of the Center for Athletic Excellence?

Maybe a Norwood Teague Spa and Massage Wing?

The basketball side has excerpts from his texts. He is totally screwed! mentions tongues and skinny dipping.

What will this do to the ground breaking of the Center for Athletic Excellence?


Oh my. That's pretty bad.

How to Snag the Perfect Woman

Step 1: Light flirtation. Give her a compliment.
Step 2: Proceed to graphic description of proposed oral sex.
Step 3: Marriage

Maybe he was text-forwarding this to women.....


How to Snag the Perfect Woman

Step 1: Light flirtation. Give her a compliment.
Step 2: Proceed to graphic description of proposed oral sex.
Step 3: Marriage

I didn't think this sounded like a good plan, until I polished off that kegger and a liter of Jack!

Booze or no booze, that is unacceptable. If some dude that worked with my gal was sending her that type of crap, you'd be reading about me in the paper the next day. I do hope that the next AD is someone with a strong Football/Basketball background.

Also someone who can hold their liquor

How do you know Beth Goetz thinks that way at all? Because she's a woman?

Duh! Obviously if you have the part that Teague wants to use his tongue on you are inherently anti-football and incapable of being AD. /sarcasm/

That said... I'm not sure if she's the right hire. Before being at the U, she didn't have any experience working with a major D1FBS football program. Maybe she gained enough experience here. But I'm guessing there are more qualified candidates simply because football is such an important part of the program and it's at a sensitive point. 5 years from now, maybe things would be different if the Gophers would be consistently successful between now and then...

I'm also inherently suspicious of hiring internal because I think it's usually done not to get the best candidate but to save money, which it rarely does in the long term when you're buying out ill-advised contracts. Now if they interview a bunch of candidates and she's the best one, so be it. I don't want her not hired just because she works here, either. I'm just concerned that her lack of experience with D1FBS that may result in her not giving it as much support as it needs, not due to lack of priority, but due to, I guess I'd say ignorance of how much support it really needs.

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Go Gophers!!

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Why are you linking tweets from random people now?

You would have thought that he would have been reprimanded and forced to take sensitivity classes and apologize to the victims' satisfaction instead of getting fired or asked to resign. Stuff like this happens at the U all the time. There are always cases of harassment based on sex, race, etc at the U at any given time and that is how things are settled. Someone is reprimanded or transferred and the victims get reparations (promotion and or transfer) and an apology and things are settled.

You would have thought that he would have been reprimanded and forced to take sensitivity classes and apologize to the victims' satisfaction instead of getting fired or asked to resign. Stuff like this happens at the U all the time. There are always cases of harassment based on sex, race, etc at the U at any given time and that is how things are settled. Someone is reprimanded or transferred and the victims get reparations (promotion and or transfer) and an apology and things are settled.

Glad it didn't work out that way.

He was trying to pick up chicks... He is male ... Late night drinking I am guessing lots of men on here have said more than a few naughty things in text messages to women. Unless u are happily married then probably not. I have

You would have thought that he would have been reprimanded and forced to take sensitivity classes and apologize to the victims' satisfaction instead of getting fired or asked to resign. Stuff like this happens at the U all the time. There are always cases of harassment based on sex, race, etc at the U at any given time and that is how things are settled. Someone is reprimanded or transferred and the victims get reparations (promotion and or transfer) and an apology and things are settled.

Thankfully this was handled differently.

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