
The big East champion lost to Michigan 30-10, Temple 30-16 Rutgers 27-24 Louisville 26-0
The Big East should be looked at as a high end Mid Major.
I do think that he can gets us about 5-8 wins a season.

So Minnesota would regularly play in BCS bowls if we were in the Big East. I don't think so! As someone else said in another thread (I think) you coach and play in the conference you are in. Petersen is being drooled over on here right now for what he has done in a weaker conference than the Big East. Compare what he has done to the rest of the teams in that conference and what he has to work with. All of which looks pretty good to me.

Evil Brewson in effect here as well.

If Edsall fears TCU, why in YHWH's name would he sign up to be in what will be the toughest division in college football?

That's right. Going Old Testament tonight.
More money and advantages here.

So Minnesota would regularly play in BCS bowls if we were in the Big East. I don't think so! As someone else said in another thread (I think) you coach and play in the conference you are in. Petersen is being drooled over on here right now for what he has done in a weaker conference than the Big East. Compare what he has done to the rest of the teams in that conference and what he has to work with. All of which looks pretty good to me.

Way to directly contradict yourself. Bravo.

What Minnesota would or would not do in the Big East is not remotely germane to this current discussion.

He's already making $1.5 million a year, are we really gonna offer him much more?
According to Wikipedia he makes 1.3 per year. I have no idea if that is accurate or not. If the situation was right and I could make another 500-700K, I'd do it. Who knows though..just thoughts I'm throwing out there.

In my view, . . .

Well he just put his team (school that casual fans probably didn't know have football) into a BCS bowl. This is a pretty good start!

UConn was very, very fortunate to have gotten into the position to be able to win the Big East (take the "fumble" at the one against WVU for example) and even more lucky to be facing a walk-on freshman in the finale. So, did he put them there, or was he at the right place at the right time?

UConn was very, very fortunate to have gotten into the position to be able to win the Big East (take the "fumble" at the one against WVU for example) and even more lucky to be facing a walk-on freshman in the finale. So, did he put them there, or was he at the right place at the right time?

You have to be lucky and in the right place to make a BCS game with an 8-4 record, it's safe to say they wouldn't go anywhere near one in any other conference. If you go by the computer polls they're ranked around 50th in the country with a schedule that ranked about the 80th most difficult.

I'm sure the Michigan St. and Boise folks do not think much of the Big East.

Petersen is being drooled over on here right now for what he has done in a weaker conference than the Big East.

You are severely underselling Petersen here. Most of his appeal comes from the fact that he is getting a non-AQ school into BCS games and winning them. Is he beating up on weak opponents? Yes, but he's still winning the bowl games.

Edsall's BCS bowl is the result of being in a weak AQ conference and his teams aren't even dominating.

Apples to oranges.

So we've gone from a 'Tubby hire' to seriously discussing Edsall over the course of two months?

And people would be HAPPY with that?

No wonder the Gopher football program is a laughing stock. What, did Mike Grant turn the U down, too?

The Big East is a bad BCS conference, but you have to remember that he is in the Big East competing against other Big East teams. No one is saying that UConn is one of the best teams in the country because they won the Big East, we are merely saying that Edsall and UConn did a good job against their own (the Big East) and are conference champions. The Big East stinks, but there is no way we would ever get a coach from a BCS conference (other than the Big East) who just came off a conference championship to come to MN.

I also don't get how Edsall ranks under some of the mid-major guy. Since when is winning the Big East easier to do than take second in the MAC (Kill), third in the Mountain West (Hoke and Calhoun)?

I'm not ripping on any of these guys, but winning in the Big East isn't lower than mid-major football.

Now about UConn...he obviously did a good job building up that program. If I was to tell you that Villanova will be in the Orange Bowl in 2020, and make a bowl game in 1/2 of the years from now until 2020, would you say that the coach who guided that transition did a good job? Of course you would.

(However, it would probably be easier to win at Villanova because they are located in a better recruiting area, their potential stadium is about 20 minutes rather than 40 minutes from campus, etc.)

So we've gone from a 'Tubby hire' to seriously discussing Edsall over the course of two months?

And people would be HAPPY with that?

No wonder the Gopher football program is a laughing stock. What, did Mike Grant turn the U down, too?

I think most of the people who support Edsall just have a realistic idea oh who we've always thought they'd get. I don't think anyone would choose Edsall over Harbaugh, Petersen, Patterson, Mullen or even Leach...but that isn't realistic.

I think you'd have a hard time arguing that Edsall isn't a better hire than anyone from that second tier (Calhoun, Golden, Hoke, etc.). Even if you do prefer one of these guys to Edsall, it could never be by a landslide.

All I feel is Apathy on all of this, or the Gophers football for the last several years. We get hopes up for slight while, then BAM, mediocrity.

We get hopes up for slight while, then BAM, mediocrity.

This is exactly what were dealing with here. With Brewster we went from mediocrity to embarrassment, and if we don't get a HC who has gotten beyond mediocrity with his current program then we will be going through this all over again in 5 yrs.

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