
why? a coach with a losing record isnt considered a "good coach!" isnt their record a major factor for a "coaching resume?"

if record isnt a factor what is?

Chizik was 5-19 at ISU, I'm not sure previous records tell all

He is trying to do his Glen Mason impersonation and choke away a game...will fit right in!

Very constructive thread. Maybe they can delay the announcement so we have time to rip a couple of more candidates. At least everyone has gotten a lot of practice looking for the negatives of every single coach in the country.

Love it !!!

i think youre high to think notre dame is going to go out and say, "we just wanted to let the public know that if kelly wasnt available we would have for sure hired randy! the guy was just so much better than the other canidates we interviewed just not as good as kelly!"

it is pure speculation that has lead you to believe an athletic department is going to say anything like that! it may be one guy in the office who liked edsall more so than others and said that.

Whatever pal. Doesn't matter because I am far from the first person to have made this statement. Go ahead and think whatever you like.

After seeing Edsall's postgame interview I would be very happy to have him coaching us!

Yes, he can coach his bad recruits to be average. We need someone that can recruit AND coach those recruits. Otherwise we're looking at a ceiling of 4th or 5th in the Big Ten.
if average is two conference championships and a bcs bid, i'll take it any day of the week. especially with tough D and disciplined football. I would embrace an Edsall hire if he can bring tough D to gopherland. plus, can anybody really recruit to UConn? please...

Lakes, I'm with you.

is there a "runner up' if you dont get the job? you dont get points for not getting the job. you either get it or you dont! its all speculation when people say things like he was the runner up! im sure they said that about everyone they interviewed

There was never a second candidate considered at ND. Edsall appears to be just another journeyman doing so so in a mediocre league. His most important attributes for being hired here appear to be (a) O'Hagen is his agent and we know that Joel cannot resist his pitches and (b) he has a horse ranch and so that he and Bruininks have something in common. The Maturi apologists are out in force tonight, the same guys that defended Brewster to the end. Don't let them wear you down.

if average is two conference championships and a bcs bid, i'll take it any day of the week. especially with tough D and disciplined football. I would embrace an Edsall hire if he can bring tough D to gopherland. plus, can anybody really recruit to UConn? please...

Completely agree.

22-26 while building a program from nothing means; nothing. Again, look at his most recent seasons not the overall record.

with his record he was seriously considered for the Notre Dame job. For you though he isn't good enough for the Minnesota job? Unbelievable.

Wrong. That job was Brian Kelly's from the start.

22-26 while building a program from nothing means; nothing. Again, look at his most recent seasons not the overall record.

He built the program for 5 years PRIOR to joining the Big East. 5 years. IMO, looking at the conference means much more than overall record. His overall record is 73-69 at UCONN.

What is your definition of most recent seasons? How about his past 5 Big East records?


Tell Jim Calhoun that

GREAT point.

Jim Calhoun has done a great job of transitioning the UConn b-ball team from a D-1AA player into the D1-A in the last ten years.

And making that 30-minute trip to Gempel Pavilion is no easy thing to overcome. Imagine how good they'd be if they actually had a b-ball facility on campus!

He built the program for 5 years PRIOR to joining the Big East. 5 years. IMO, looking at the conference means much more than overall record. His overall record is 73-69 at UCONN.

What is your definition of most recent seasons? How about his past 5 Big East records?


Point taken; still think record is overrated when looking at candidates.

Point taken; still think record is overrated when looking at candidates.

Certainly record is not the only criteria. However, it is clearly the most important and in this case I think it means something a little more because it is in the Big East. The Big East is not good and it is not like Edsall is even close dominating it.

Here is one thing to remember. Does Edsall want to stay in the Big East, compete for a BSC bid each year against USF, Rutgers, West Va, and Pitt to name a few or go to the Big Ten and compete with OSU, UW, Iowa, and Penn State, and dont forget Michigan will not be down forever. I know money talks but......

Just to compete for a BCS bid in the Big 10 @ Minny he would have to beat Iowa, Nebraska, MSU and Michigan JUST to win the division.

IMO, it makes more sense for Petersen to leave Boise State than it does for Edsall to leave UCONN. Unless Edsall fears TCU moving to the Big East.

Big East Big East Big East. Seriously people.

So Minnesota would regularly play in BCS bowls if we were in the Big East. I don't think so! As someone else said in another thread (I think) you coach and play in the conference you are in. Petersen is being drooled over on here right now for what he has done in a weaker conference than the Big East. Compare what he has done to the rest of the teams in that conference and what he has to work with. All of which looks pretty good to me.

IMO, it makes more sense for Petersen to leave Boise State than it does for Edsall to leave UCONN. Unless Edsall fears TCU moving to the Big East.

If Edsall fears TCU, why in YHWH's name would he sign up to be in what will be the toughest division in college football?

That's right. Going Old Testament tonight.

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