News on Shaka Smart

A TV station in Austin is reporting that Rick Barnes is in talks to be the next coach at the U. Well, I think the station is from Austin, it is kinda fuzzy coming throught the rabbit ears... Anyway, he Is demanding that they open up a Salt Lick BBQ in dinky town. I will keep you posted.

Maybe I should just text it to someone who can post it, I don't want to divulge my sources.

I think you misheard. Sid told us earlier that Rick Santorum was already hired

Thank God. A source tells me that Shaka and Teague are having a meeting at Sex World at 3:30. Keep your eyes peeled.

Not Sex World. I just had a late lunch with him and he shared some concerns about Minnesota. First, would Flip speak to him if he took the job? I assured him that he would speak to him in a public setting. He next asked would 'sequestration' affect his salary increase? I explained that it would, but that he would be able to get a tour at the White House if he won the National Championship. He was ok after that explanation.

There were no other objections, I think that we have him locked up.

How I feel about all these guys with "inside sources."


Anyone know why when I try to upload a picture I get a red ! and it doesn't work?

Anyone know why when I try to upload a picture I get a red ! and it doesn't work?

Easiest it to copy a link, go to "Insert Image", choose the "From URL" tab, and check off the box "Retrieve remote file and reference locally".

If it's on your computer, it's still easier to just upload the image to and use that link.

This board will become numb to anything that even resembles the truth. It will be great when there is actual, legitimate news and everyone simply reacts with "nawwwwww, he must be trollin".

I admit I went there and looked around long and hard. (thats what she said)

I laughed at the Cheeseheads at their football coaching search. I had no idea what a real 'gonzo' coaching search was until today. No idea.

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