News on Shaka Smart

What on earth would lead you to believe that GL is lazy? She provides better post-game presser notes than anybody in town. She cares deeply for the athletic program at the U. And she's never been one to roll a grenade in a room and walk away.

And following her on twitter is exhausting enough. She apparently only works, goes to boot camp, and talks Gopher sports. Laziness is not something I'd accuse her of. I do think her silence recently is interesting, though.

I was thinking same thing. With no apparent/obvious ties, it's hard to even think there is a remote possibility.

This is starting to feel like the football search when we convinced ourselves that Chris Peterson from Boise would consider us.

Go Gophers!!

These are my thoughts.. hopefully Teague can pull something out of his butt and make a big splash. If he cannot land Buzz, Shaka or Stevens (all seem like dream hires and far fetched), then we need to call up Flip and get it done now.

And following her on twitter is exhausting enough. She apparently only works, goes to boot camp, and talks Gopher sports. Laziness is not something I'd accuse her of. I do think her silence recently is interesting, though.

She occasionally hits a happy hour, too - but it's a "working" happy hour


Also correct.


VCU is building a $16-18 million dollar practice facility with dual courts and separate men's and women's coaching offices, tape rooms, and PT space. Meanwhile Butler is fiddling around with Hinkle where volleyball and women's basketball share space with men's basketball. Sometimes being a large public university pays off.

I don't know if Norwood can pull it off after botching the handling of Tubby's firing, but Stevens is the target and has been from day one. You don't let Shaka's name float after axing a well liked coach like Tubby, unless you at least think you have an ace up your sleeve.

Botched? Not sure what you mean. The rest of your post makes even less sense.

I was thinking same thing. With no apparent/obvious ties, it's hard to even think there is a remote possibility.

This is starting to feel like the football search when we convinced ourselves that Chris Peterson from Boise would consider us.

Go Gophers!!

Maturi blew the Peterson hire. Teague would have brought him in. BTW, I'm fine with the Kill hire.

I just got a call from my buddy who works at ESPN. He is still hearing the same thing. Shaka and NT have a deal in place it is waiting on the facilities upgrades. He also is hearing from a few that Flip is highly interested if Shaka doesn't come here. I would be happy with Flip or Shaka!


Also correct.


VCU is building a $16-18 million dollar practice facility with dual courts and separate men's and women's coaching offices, tape rooms, and PT space. Meanwhile Butler is fiddling around with Hinkle where volleyball and women's basketball share space with men's basketball. Sometimes being a large public university pays off.

I don't know if Norwood can pull it off after botching the handling of Tubby's firing, but Stevens is the target and has been from day one. You don't let Shaka's name float after axing a well like coach like Tubby, unless you (think) you have an ace up your sleeve.

Do agree there. If you are leaking Shaka's name and have people from your dept. leaking Shaka's name (as it sounds like they are - with NT involvement or not) then you'd better have him or someone better locked up.

I could also see this, as I said, to make ammends with Shaka if he really is upset about the way NT left. Shaka comes out of this a winner regardless. I still have a hard time believing it is Stevens with how well he is comensated at Butler, but crazier things have happened.

Also as I said, I wouldn't be surprised if the cookie monster or even Tubby Smith is the hire at this point. Heck, Coach K seems reasonable now.

Have we given up on the idea that Teague is so determined to make a strong long-term hire that he's willing to do everything humanly possibly to convince Tim Miles to change area codes within the Big Ten (a rare career move, I know), Nebraska's shiny new facilities be damned?

Miles interests me a lot more than Smart. Marshall, too.

I just got a call from my buddy who works at ESPN. He is still hearing the same thing. Shaka and NT have a deal in place it is waiting on the facilities upgrades. He also is hearing from a few that Flip is highly interested if Shaka doesn't come here. I would be happy with Flip or Shaka!

By "waiting on the facilities upgrades" do you mean he's waiting for assurances that a majority of the money has been raised? Or something different?

Have we given up on the idea that Teague is so determined to make a strong long-term hire that he's willing to do everything humanly possibly to convince Tim Miles to change area codes within the Big Ten (a rare career move, I know), Nebraska's shiny new facilities be damned?

Miles interests me a lot more than Smart. Marshall, too.

I'd love that. But I think Jim Delaney would do anything in his power to stop it. You don't leave a job after one year, especially for another job in the same conference, unless it's your alma mater or something.

I just got a call from my buddy who works at ESPN. He is still hearing the same thing. Shaka and NT have a deal in place it is waiting on the facilities upgrades. He also is hearing from a few that Flip is highly interested if Shaka doesn't come here. I would be happy with Flip or Shaka!

Flip or Shaka is like choosing between ribs, pizza or tacos - there is no bad choice there. As a Gopher fan, I can only wonder what will go wrong to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory (another Gilligan's Island line).


Minnesota girl gets Rammed/Butted ......Hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

Can we change the name of this thread to "NO NEWS ON SHAKA"?

It's becoming apparent, he isn't coming here.

Let's move on...

Have we given up on the idea that Teague is so determined to make a strong long-term hire that he's willing to do everything humanly possibly to convince Tim Miles to change area codes within the Big Ten (a rare career move, I know), Nebraska's shiny new facilities be damned?

Miles interests me a lot more than Smart. Marshall, too.

I thought of this as well. If only Miles could have held off one more year at Colorado State. Is there any possible way he ditches out on the Huskers one year in, and in the same conference?

Flip or Shaka is like choosing between ribs, pizza or tacos - there is no bad choice there. As a Gopher fan, I can only wonder what will go wrong to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory (another Gilligan's Island line).

If Flip really loves the program as much as he says, he should swallow his pride and accept the "associate head coach" role under Shaka or whoever we get.

Can we change the name of this thread to "NO NEWS ON SHAKA"?

It's becoming apparent, he isn't coming here.

Let's move on...

Yeah . . . that's crystal clear from this thread!

I'm with Rouser.....

Only these four names make sense (Shaka,Stevens,Buzz and Flip) Anything else does not excite me. As a season ticket hoder, If they ask me to embrace a villa7 assistant, I'll implode.

I did hear Stevens a while back on a radio show that Woody was hosting for some reason...and they were very chatty. It was obvious they knew each other well.

Lou Nanne indicated yesterday on the afternoon "I am all things meaningful" show on KFAN that he felt it would be done by the Final Four meaning maybe they think Buzz is in play (having been a villa grad?)

Flip is an outstanding candidate...and right under their nose, with national cred. and a helluva coach
and RECRUITER. Can't look beyound him with the 3 amigos decline.

I'd love that. But I think Jim Delaney would do anything in his power to stop it. You don't leave a job after one year, especially for another job in the same conference, unless it's your alma mater or something.

I would respectfully reply, if Teague has the ba**s everyone is saying he has, then he wouldn't give a flyin' flip what Commissioner Delany or Nebraska think about the move.

Besides, if Miles did come here, pretty sure that a "friendly rivlary" would develop between Gopher and Cornhusker basketball!

Have we given up on the idea that Teague is so determined to make a strong long-term hire that he's willing to do everything humanly possibly to convince Tim Miles to change area codes within the Big Ten (a rare career move, I know), Nebraska's shiny new facilities be damned?

Miles interests me a lot more than Smart. Marshall, too.

Miles doesn't have the ability to attract big time recruits right now...he may in the future, but not now...I think he'll take 4 or 5 years to build up a program. Do we have the patience for that? I say no.


Also correct.


VCU is building a $16-18 million dollar practice facility with dual courts and separate men's and women's coaching offices, tape rooms, and PT space. Meanwhile Butler is fiddling around with Hinkle where volleyball and women's basketball share space with men's basketball. Sometimes being a large public university pays off.

I don't know if Norwood can pull it off after botching the handling of Tubby's firing, but Stevens is the target and has been from day one. You don't let Shaka's name float after axing a well liked coach like Tubby, unless you at least think you have an ace up your sleeve.

Let's be real. "VCU is building" means "VCU hopes to build...sometime in the future, time and date TBD".

Firing a coach the day after the season ends isn't botching anything. Tubby is well liked as a person. For the program, his firing had to be done.

I would respectfully reply, if Teague has the b**s everyone is saying he has, then he wouldn't give a flyin' flip what Commissioner Delany or Nebraska think about the move.

bees? boos? bags?

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