Nadine Babu STrib Blog: Gophers Students Can Have a Tailgate for Others to Envy

I'm a current grad student and haven't received an email.

I'm a grad student too. I just got the e-mail.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 - RSVP by September 18
5:00 p.m. Registration
5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Program & Dinner
Memorial Hall, McNamara Alumni Center

Do you know where to put the silverware when you are done using it?

Where do you place your napkin when leaving the table?

Should you tell someone they have food in their teeth?

Minnesota has sent out info on the big pregame party.... it's inside at the McNamara. Free admission, everyone welcome! :confused:

Still annoyed that they made "Block G" dry. They'll serve beer in the stadium with little kids and students around but not in outside party? But they will at the inside party? It just doesn't make any sense.

Still annoyed that they made "Block G" dry. They'll serve beer in the stadium with little kids and students around but not in outside party? But they will at the inside party? It just doesn't make any sense.
For the last three games you may want to drink inside.

For the last three games you may want to drink inside.

Don't disagree, but not sure how that matters to the decision. How are they are prevented from offering it both places if they offer it outside?

Don't disagree, but not sure how that matters to the decision. How are they are prevented from offering it both places if they offer it outside?
It's still on campus and they still want to keep campus as dry as possible. Bars, Gate A, tailgating and Alum Center yes - streets no. I like beer(s) and I'm ok with this.

It's still on campus and they still want to keep campus as dry as possible. Bars, Gate A, tailgating and Alum Center yes - streets no. I like beer(s) and I'm ok with this.

How does this make any sense? They aren't keeping the campus dry. McNamara is on campus. The tailgate lots are on campus. TCF is on campus. All are wet. If you're trying to say that they don't want the drinking in the open it still doesn't make sense b/c it'll be in the open at TCF and is out in the open in the tailgate lots.

The only reason I can think of is that the City got on their case about it (b/c of it being a street) and the U backed down instead of telling the City where to stick their nonsense complaints.

How does this make any sense? They aren't keeping the campus dry. McNamara is on campus. The tailgate lots are on campus. TCF is on campus. All are wet. If you're trying to say that they don't want the drinking in the open it still doesn't make sense b/c it'll be in the open at TCF and is out in the open in the tailgate lots.

The only reason I can think of is that the City got on their case about it (b/c of it being a street) and the U backed down instead of telling the City where to stick their nonsense complaints.

Ok fine...IN the bars, IN the gates, IN the lots, and IN McNamara but not OUT on the streets. Seems like you're trying to argue this point just to be argumentative. Block G can be dry.

Ok fine...IN the bars, IN the gates, IN the lots, and IN McNamara but not OUT on the streets. Seems like you're trying to argue this point just to be argumentative. Block G can be dry.

I'm really not. But your post just made no sense.

In the meantime, "it can be" is a pretty weak reason. Sure, it can be. But when pregame/gameday atmosphere is a problem why would you do things that curtail the atmosphere? If the City is giving them grief I could understand it. But if it's just them making a decision then IN/OUT is a really silly distinction to try to defend this on.

Actually it's not. What's weak is that you need beer on Block G or you're not happy. Sorry but they will not allow alcohol everywhere on campus. Plenty of places to drink you don't need to drink in the street.

Actually it's not. What's weak is that you need beer on Block G or you're not happy. Sorry but they will not allow alcohol everywhere on campus. Plenty of places to drink you don't need to drink in the street.

I don't need beer in Block G. I've got plenty in my tailgate lot and am pleased to drink it there. I also don't disagree that it's lame some people might not show up for the Block G without beer. But I don't care about whether those people are lame. I care about a better gameday atmosphere.

Just an update on how great Jerry Kill and his crew are - I sent the info about the tailgate out to his assistant the other day. She actually got it together and printed it out to give students info about it today when Kill was handing out tickets. Another reason why Jerry Kill "gets it." Still don't think it will be a huge turnout, but any students that can have a good enough experience where they'll want to get season tickets will be worth the effort!

Any GHers - feel free to stop by too, and pleas introduce yourselves! :)

For anyone that's Facebook friends with me, they are here (sorry, not making this one public, as there was a lot of drinking):

It was really fun - total mix between my group, some former Gopher FB players, students, just everyone. People had a blast - many came back after the game, and we tailgated for another 2+ hours. Ron Johnson and Co. got on the mic and took over with karaoke. It was hilarious.











Great Time at the Tailgate! A Gopher win + a free concert at the lots!

Great Time at the Tailgate! A Gopher win + a free concert at the lots!

Tony - it was so great to have you, Tellis, Ron and your crew there...and yes, the free concert was an extra bonus. Who knew? :)

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