Nadine Babu STrib Blog: Gophers Students Can Have a Tailgate for Others to Envy

This is great, GopherLady. Thanks a lot for your efforts in promoting a student tailgate experience via the GameDay Envy group. It's one thing to talk about it, but you are actually doing something about it. I hope the students take advantage.

This is actually really sweet! Well done! I'm going to try my best to make it other there and grab a buddy or two.

I won't, but I'm guessing the potential target of a lawsuit probably will.

This is how *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ed we are. Even people who post on GopherHole are unable to conceive how tailgating works.

I like the effort, but I don't think it will work. I hope I am wrong.

Students want to party like college students, not like adults or high school kids. They need to open up a lot put and DJ in it. Let the students bring their own kegs in. Let them play their drinking games and let them party like they want to party. Have police walking through the lot and as long as people aren't out of control no one gets their ID checked. That is how it use to be at the dome and it brought students to the game and put them in the seats even if they didn't care about football.

I wonder if Wisconsin and Iowa fans sit around worrying about underage drinking on their message boards?

And glowsticks, hmmm, there are plenty of ways to make fun of us already...let's not add 1990s rave paraphernalia to the list.

What Nate said. Seriously...this is why we aren't on par with our rivals...well, one of the many reasons.

I also agree with the glowsticks, I think I was making fun of dudes even 8 years ago in the club with glowsticks. I think only middle aged men still think that phenomenon is cool :)

Lets get someone, maybe you Gopher Lady, to get it started on Friday Night around 6 P.M. Coach Kill has mention to get the Party Started on Fridays.

Sorry - still on the west coast, won't even be back by 6pm on Friday! You'll have to take over Husker!

And sorry GL not trying to hi-jack your thread it was just a thought! Thank you for your effort in getting the atmosphere turned around!

Let's hope glowsticks are just a thought, and not a reality! Appreciate you weighing in though :)

I like the effort, but I don't think it will work. I hope I am wrong.

Students want to party like college students, not like adults or high school kids. They need to open up a lot put and DJ in it. Let the students bring their own kegs in. Let them play their drinking games and let them party like they want to party. Have police walking through the lot and as long as people aren't out of control no one gets their ID checked. That is how it use to be at the dome and it brought students to the game and put them in the seats even if they didn't care about football.

I doubt it will work either. People seem more afraid of (god forbid) of drinking or having too many people...I know the reality is that most people won't come. But you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, and for such little effort, why not try? I'd rather fail than sit around being one of those people who criticize things that don't work and never take a risk. And have you ever been tailgating...that is a tailgate lot. We may be adults, but we do more flabongos and jello shots that your G rated tailgate would expect. A DJ? Seriously? That is not going to draw people. Beer draws kids, no one needs a kid spinning records...they're called ipods ;).

I wonder if Wisconsin and Iowa fans sit around worrying about underage drinking on their message boards?


Unfortunately, it's the society we live in. If an 18 year old happened to drink too much & resulted in something, we live in a world where his/her parents want to find blame and it couldn't possibly be at the feet of their precious child.....


Unfortunately, it's the society we live in. If an 18 year old happened to drink too much & resulted in something, we live in a world where his/her parents want to find blame and it couldn't possibly be at the feet of their precious child.....

Exactly. To paraphrase Jeff Foxworthy..."Just once I'd like a kid to say everyone else is ok, I'm just a $hithead."


Unfortunately, it's the society we live in. If an 18 year old happened to drink too much & resulted in something, we live in a world where his/her parents want to find blame and it couldn't possibly be at the feet of their precious child.....

The liquor laws in Minnesota are much tougher than Wisconsin. Wisconsin bartenders live a carefree life without fear of lawsuits while their counterparts in Minnesota have to worry about the guy they pour three drinks for makes it home safe.

I don't think anyone is advocating Game Day Envy or Nadine's group from running a full bar....but I don't think it's the end of the world if a 3rd floor wing from Territorial Hall brings over a few cases of Busch Light and the only thing they're asking from them is a little space, some ice & a garbage bag.....

Yeah but since the tailgating company is not providing the booze, dram shop laws do not apply here. (I am a bartender) They would be no more liable for what happens than the U would be for owning the lots the party took place in. Now someone could try and make them liable but even under the current (ridiculous) dram shop laws they are not.

If they sold, or gave away the booze then it would be their job to watch over the attendees and check ids. In this case their ass is covered and most likely would be in little danger of any law suit...unless a kid died at the party or something.

First come, first served parking lots. I am picturing students walking in pulling a wagon with a keg in it, looking for a place to park their "car"

I know, the U wants to please donors with the best parking spot ($1K+ is still a rip though), but students "parking" with just a keg would be cool. If the police just relax on checking IDs, and simply keep the peace, it will be a great time.

Totally agree Fire but I do think here in Minnesota we do have to be very smart when liquor is involved compared to our counterparts in Wisconsin.

This point would worry me:
has control over a premises and, being in a position to prevent underage consumption, knowingly and recklessly permitted the consumption, where the consumption caused intoxication

I know they would never do glowsticks it was just a thought. Yeah they may be lame for us non-students but after all this is a college game and we need our students there so try and play to your audience.

They still, however, should play levels cuz that would get TCF rockin.

While hopefully everybody goes to and enjoys this tailgate party. Myself and about 9 other buddies will be taking our usually place outside the student entrance around 8:30 to grab our front row seats!

Thanks for setting this up Nadine! I hope it goes well.

For everyone else with a bright idea, please email Norwood Teague

But you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, and for such little effort, why not try? I'd rather fail than sit around being one of those people who criticize things that don't work and never take a risk.

This a thousand times over.

nadine and co. do a stand up job trying to give some U of M students a welcoming place to hang out and party in the tailgate lots. and in return get a lecture in dram shop law and social host ordinances. what is wrong with some of us?! this really isn't that complex people. :confused:

again, thank you nadine for making this effort. it is appreciated. keep fighting the good fight.

nadine and co. do a stand up job trying to give some U of M students a welcoming place to hang out and party in the tailgate lots. and in return get a lecture in dram shop law and social host ordinances. what is wrong with some of us?! this really isn't that complex people. :confused:

again, thank you nadine for making this effort. it is appreciated. keep fighting the good fight.

Well said. +1.

While hopefully everybody goes to and enjoys this tailgate party. Myself and about 9 other buddies will be taking our usually place outside the student entrance around 8:30 to grab our front row seats!

That's an excellent reason to miss the tailgate - you're still welcome to stop by anytime after 7am! Also, please invite your friends and get the word out on Facebook ( I'm too old to know any students (it would be creepy if I did) and many are not getting the concept of spreading the word to students. I do wish the U would help promote this, as they have the reach - but let's be honest...that's why we're doing this, because they don't have the vision to do so.

nadine and co. do a stand up job trying to give some U of M students a welcoming place to hang out and party in the tailgate lots. and in return get a lecture in dram shop law and social host ordinances. what is wrong with some of us?! this really isn't that complex people. :confused:

again, thank you nadine for making this effort. it is appreciated. keep fighting the good fight.

Thank you - I can certainly see why people don't try...because you do deal with a lot of naysayers and negative Nancys. Instead of finding a reason not do do something, why can't we find a way to get it done?

This point would worry me:
has control over a premises and, being in a position to prevent underage consumption, knowingly and recklessly permitted the consumption, where the consumption caused intoxication

They should no more worry than the U should. If the student brought their own booze there is a better chance of liability for the seller (liquor store or 3rd party) than the tail gate company. They need to make a warning about age and make sure no one is pass out drunk and they should be just fine.

To put it another way, as long as nothing bad happens they will be fine.

That's an excellent reason to miss the tailgate - you're still welcome to stop by anytime after 7am! Also, please invite your friends and get the word out on Facebook ( I'm too old to know any students (it would be creepy if I did) and many are not getting the concept of spreading the word to students. I do wish the U would help promote this, as they have the reach - but let's be honest...that's why we're doing this, because they don't have the vision to do so.

All a part of "changing the culture" and it starts with the U. It would be good if this was promoted, but we know it won't be. However, I did receive an email this morning regarding a program dinner regarding "Do you know where to put the silverware when you are done using it?", "Where do you place your napkin when leaving the table?" and "Should you tell someone they have food in their teeth?"

It's an uphill battle. Good work, GopherLady....

All a part of "changing the culture" and it starts with the U. It would be good if this was promoted, but we know it won't be. However, I did receive an email this morning regarding a program dinner regarding "Do you know where to put the silverware when you are done using it?", "Where do you place your napkin when leaving the table?" and "Should you tell someone they have food in their teeth?"

It's an uphill battle. Good work, GopherLady....

LMAO! Looks like all the marketing dollars are being spent on etiquette dinners instead of selling football tickets. Can't blame 'em ;)

LMAO! Looks like all the marketing dollars are being spent on etiquette dinners instead of selling football tickets. Can't blame 'em ;)

Gonna go out on a limb and guess that the etiquette dinner is sponsored by someone other than the Athletic Department.

Of course it is, but that's kind of the point; why can't the marketing department put together a quick email & throw it out there to all students? If there was, then I'll shut up.

Of course it is, but that's kind of the point; why can't the marketing department put together a quick email & throw it out there to all students? If there was, then I'll shut up.

I'm a current grad student and haven't received an email.

This is an awesome idea! I wish something like this had been started when I was still in school - I graduated in December and this will be my first year having non-student tickets (Section 103).

Someone just needs to find out what the "email all students allias" is.

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