Minnesota contacted Bohl on Saturday?

I doubt we'd hand the head coaching position To an assistant if there was going to be a change. If there's going to be a change it will be a head coach with a recognizable name or a hotshot head coach from a non BCS school, FCS included or a coordinator from a big time program with some buzz around his name.

If the administration truly is behind this staff and what they are doing then it would make perfect sense to keep the same plan Kill had in place.

I get a kick out of how some folks think Minnesota is gonna hire a big name. Bad news - Mike Leach, Al Golden, Chris Peterson or any of the other dream candidates mentioned three years ago aren't possibilities.

If the administration truly is behind this staff and what they are doing then it would make perfect sense to keep the same plan Kill had in place. I get a kick out of how some folks think Minnesota is gonna hire a big name. Bad news - Mike Leach, Al Golden, Chris Peterson or any of the other dream candidates mentioned three years ago aren't possibilities.

I didn't say big name, but someone who'd have some name recognition. Like Glen Mason if it were to be a head coach. Based on the Pitino hire alone I expect they'd try to lure someone with name recognition before moving on to guys like Pitino. Those with a reputation as up and comers. Is that too unreasonable? The only other scenario I could see is if they hired a coach who had some connection to Kill who'd keep the staff together. I just don't think we have anyone on the staff ready to coach in the big ten. However my first choice is for Kill to remain as coach.

If he cares about being a "demi-God" wouldnt he rather be one in an area of 4 million people versus an area of 250k? While making 4 times the salary for you and all of your assistants?

He can coach at NDSU for as long as he likes. Given the impatience with this fan base and administration, he might last five years and have someone sniping at him from day one. Money isn't everything and Fargo/Moorhead ain't all that bad.

He can coach at NDSU for as long as he likes. Given the impatience with this fan base and administration, he might last five years and have someone sniping at him from day one. Money isn't everything and Fargo/Moorhead ain't all that bad.
The only reason he wouldn't take the U job is because Nebraska or something like that was on the horizon. To jump from the FCS to the Big Ten is an absolute no-brainer. Most successful FCS coaches leave for the MAC, Mountain West, or Conference USA. The head coach at Indiana State left for Georgia State and said it was entirely because Georgia State was joining the FBS, which is the big leagues.

If he fails, he'd be welcome with open arms back in the FCS, so it's really a no-lose situation, and one in which he'd make millions of dollars.

The only reason he wouldn't take the U job is because Nebraska or something like that was on the horizon. To jump from the FCS to the Big Ten is an absolute no-brainer. Most successful FCS coaches leave for the MAC, Mountain West, or Conference USA. The head coach at Indiana State left for Georgia State and said it was entirely because Georgia State was joining the FBS, which is the big leagues.

If he fails, he'd be welcome with open arms back in the FCS, so it's really a no-lose situation, and one in which he'd make millions of dollars.

Bohl is 55. I don't know how old the Georgia State coach is. I'm not saying Bohl is too old or anything like that and Lord knows all coaches at this level have jumbo egos, but I don't think we could low-ball him and expect him to jump on 94 East.

NDSU isn't Division 2. They're FCS. And they're ranked 37th in the Sagarin Ratings among all D1 programs.

I find it very hard to believe that the U would contact Bohl or anyone else this early in the season. That said, I don't at all find it hard to believe that the U would be interested in Bohl for the job if Kill can't continue. I actually think that there's a good chance Bohl wouldn't take this job either - there may well be other higher profile programs that would be interested in his services. The obvious, as has been mentioned, would be Nebraska. I think Pellini's days are numbered.

Mason? No way. I don't think he'd even consider the job. He has a sweet gig right now with the BTN.

A few weeks ago the Fargo Forum ran a feature article on Bohl's contract and the negotiations thereof. Specifically, FOIA requested emails between NDSU and their counsel indicated that their concern in drawing the buyout provisions was with Minnesota. That was then, of course. Now, publicly, NDSU folks believe Bohl would leave only for a BCS bowl ready program. However, is a top-10 type program going to pursue a guy like Bohl? Is there a school now willing to take that leap like OSU did with Tressal at Youngstown State?

Bohl actually requested the contract extension and is guaranteed 8 more years of coaching and 2 years in administration at the end of his tenure. He is paid fairly handsomely, is successful in Fargo, and has young(er) children. A move to a MAC or MWC team would be a lateral move for Bohl, if that. Its unlikely a perennially ranked team would come calling in I-AA. Taking the Minnesota job might not seem any more attractive than MWC or MAC. On the other hand, the U can ostensibly afford a larger contract and Bohl is no spring chicken. Why not feather the nest, and in a program with low expectation? A final consideration is that he loses 19 senior starters and will be starting somewhat from scratch. Although he has been on top, been knocked down, and now back on top in Fargo, his coaching time is running short. He might be more open after this season to a golden parachute job knowing that the next few years will likely be a bit more lean for his teams.

Nebraska isn't a candidate. Nebraska fans have long memories (they still think of themselves as a national power). Bohl's defenses in Lincoln were horrible. Defense under Pellini has been horrible. He won't be welcome back in Lincoln.

I like Bohl. He up-coaches his players. They should win a third straight national championship with only one player (Turner, the o-lineman) who shows up on draft boards as a Top-25 senior at his position. I've watched his team play and they are gritty, play with attitude, and don't believe for a minute that they are going to lose, no matter the opponent. Of course, they need to keep a parole officer on the coaching staff, but what program doesn't?

Of course, we have Kill on a long term contract. I believe we are paying the previous two coaches yet. We hired Kill knowing his medical issues. I don't see the U relieving Kill of his duties. If the Kill era ends, it is because he walks. Until then, the Bohl talk is all just buffalo chip wet dreams.

Last time that happened, it was Gutey (another awesomely great human being) who got the job on Holtz' recommendation and Hitchock's (and the team's) insistence. I really liked Gutekunst, but I think the way things unfolded was the only way he would have gotten that job. I wonder if Bobby Ross would have taken the job had the meeting with the players went better.

My point on Bohl is that he's really in the catbird's seat. Sure, he gets a raise to come to Minnesota if he ends up here, but then he's no longer a demi-god and is just a guy. He's got a really sweet deal right now and he's doing really well with it. I'm just guessing it would take a ton of money to get him here.

Hey, Frank Solich is only 69. I say if Kill can't continue, let's go that route. It would make another one of Sid's predictions come true! I think Sid had Solich taking the Gopher job about three different times.

Gutey was one fine coach....if you like 12 men on the field, 13 men on the field and even TEN men on the field IN ONE GAME

He can coach at NDSU for as long as he likes. Given the impatience with this fan base and administration, he might last five years and have someone sniping at him from day one. Money isn't everything and Fargo/Moorhead ain't all that bad.

have you ever been there in January? Siberia is better


(1) Yes, I liked Gutey as a guy. Met him a couple of times. Didn't seem "coachlike." A lot like Jim Dutcher that way. And you are correct, my head still rings from the headslaps I administered on myself after a "too many men on the field" penalty. I guess my point is that before Giel brought Bobby Ross around campus and had him meet the team, he should have met with the players first and told them that he and a search team were going to make the decision on the coach and not them. I thought it was one of the most embarrassing moments in Minnesota sports history with a bunch of teenagers hijacking a D-1 athletic program. I don't think Ross lost interest because of the players' comments. I think he thought "what a way to run a railroad."

(2) I know the Fargo winters are terrible. Hard to walk upright during them. Have visited Moorhead several times in the winter and I could have parasailed back to Minneapolis instead of driving. But it's a growing area, largely thanks to the echo effect from the oil boom. I guess if Bohl likes the fine arts, he'd want to get out of there, but he is closer to the NorsK Hostfest that's held in Minot.

A few weeks ago the Fargo Forum ran a feature article on Bohl's contract and the negotiations thereof. Specifically, FOIA requested emails between NDSU and their counsel indicated that their concern in drawing the buyout provisions was with Minnesota. That was then, of course. Now, publicly, NDSU folks believe Bohl would leave only for a BCS bowl ready program. However, is a top-10 type program going to pursue a guy like Bohl? Is there a school now willing to take that leap like OSU did with Tressal at Youngstown State?

Bohl actually requested the contract extension and is guaranteed 8 more years of coaching and 2 years in administration at the end of his tenure. He is paid fairly handsomely, is successful in Fargo, and has young(er) children. A move to a MAC or MWC team would be a lateral move for Bohl, if that. Its unlikely a perennially ranked team would come calling in I-AA. Taking the Minnesota job might not seem any more attractive than MWC or MAC. On the other hand, the U can ostensibly afford a larger contract and Bohl is no spring chicken. Why not feather the nest, and in a program with low expectation? A final consideration is that he loses 19 senior starters and will be starting somewhat from scratch. Although he has been on top, been knocked down, and now back on top in Fargo, his coaching time is running short. He might be more open after this season to a golden parachute job knowing that the next few years will likely be a bit more lean for his teams.

Nebraska isn't a candidate. Nebraska fans have long memories (they still think of themselves as a national power). Bohl's defenses in Lincoln were horrible. Defense under Pellini has been horrible. He won't be welcome back in Lincoln.

I like Bohl. He up-coaches his players. They should win a third straight national championship with only one player (Turner, the o-lineman) who shows up on draft boards as a Top-25 senior at his position. I've watched his team play and they are gritty, play with attitude, and don't believe for a minute that they are going to lose, no matter the opponent. Of course, they need to keep a parole officer on the coaching staff, but what program doesn't?

Of course, we have Kill on a long term contract. I believe we are paying the previous two coaches yet. We hired Kill knowing his medical issues. I don't see the U relieving Kill of his duties. If the Kill era ends, it is because he walks. Until then, the Bohl talk is all just buffalo chip wet dreams.

Thank you Swede (fellow Swede I might add). You have very clearly elucidated the points I was trying to make.


(1) Yes, I liked Gutey as a guy. Met him a couple of times. Didn't seem "coachlike." A lot like Jim Dutcher that way. And you are correct, my head still rings from the headslaps I administered on myself after a "too many men on the field" penalty. I guess my point is that before Giel brought Bobby Ross around campus and had him meet the team, he should have met with the players first and told them that he and a search team were going to make the decision on the coach and not them. I thought it was one of the most embarrassing moments in Minnesota sports history with a bunch of teenagers hijacking a D-1 athletic program. I don't think Ross lost interest because of the players' comments. I think he thought "what a way to run a railroad."

The bold part is right on. Why on earth would you even consult with the players? Huge mistake letting players have any say.

Is there a school now willing to take that leap like OSU did with Tressal at Youngstown State?

The two situations aren't really that similar. Bohl is having a nice run at NDAC, but he has a ways to go to catch up to Tressel, who went to 4 straight national championship games (6 in 9 years) and won 4 overall. Further, Tressel had a history with OSU, serving as their QB coach prior to Youngstown and living his entire playing and coaching life (except for a 2-year stint as Syracuse's QB coach) in the state of Ohio. Bohl has a history with Nebraska and Wisconsin, but he has as much chance of getting either of those jobs as I do. He also was Duke's defensive coordinator for one year, and a school at that level, a low-level Big Ten/Big 12/ACC job (Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa St., Syracuse, etc.), is an attainable job for him. He's not going to get a perennial top 25 job, and let's not pretend like he will.

A move to a MAC or MWC team would be a lateral move for Bohl, if that.


Its unlikely a perennially ranked team would come calling in I-AA.

?? He already has a perennially ranked I-AA team, why would that play into anything?

Taking the Minnesota job might not seem any more attractive than MWC or MAC.


Why not feather the nest, and in a program with low expectation?

One would think Minnesota is a low-expectations job, but a lot of the fanbase wants to fire Jerry Kill after 3 years for daring to not beat Michigan and Iowa. Oh, and also for having a disease.

They should win a third straight national championship with only one player (Turner, the o-lineman) who shows up on draft boards as a Top-25 senior at his position.

You don't need future NFL players to win at the JV level.

If the Kill era ends, it is because he walks.

On this, we agree.

The two situations aren't really that similar. Bohl is having a nice run at NDAC, but he has a ways to go to catch up to Tressel, who went to 4 straight national championship games (6 in 9 years) and won 4 overall. Further, Tressel had a history with OSU, serving as their QB coach prior to Youngstown and living his entire playing and coaching life (except for a 2-year stint as Syracuse's QB coach) in the state of Ohio. Bohl has a history with Nebraska and Wisconsin, but he has as much chance of getting either of those jobs as I do. He also was Duke's defensive coordinator for one year, and a school at that level, a low-level Big Ten/Big 12/ACC job (Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa St., Syracuse, etc.), is an attainable job for him. He's not going to get a perennial top 25 job, and let's not pretend like he will.


?? He already has a perennially ranked I-AA team, why would that play into anything?


One would think Minnesota is a low-expectations job, but a lot of the fanbase wants to fire Jerry Kill after 3 years for daring to not beat Michigan and Iowa. Oh, and also for having a disease.

You don't need future NFL players to win at the JV level.

On this, we agree.

I would hope that is not true. I would hope that it is just a vocal minority.

When Giel was on the road and then brought Bobby Ross to campus he was undercut by an administrator - I think his name was Wilderson, who got help from local media to support "the players' choice" - Gutey. Most of us knew it was a mistake at the time.

The two situations aren't really that similar. Bohl is having a nice run at NDAC, but he has a ways to go to catch up to Tressel, who went to 4 straight national championship games (6 in 9 years) and won 4 overall. Further, Tressel had a history with OSU, serving as their QB coach prior to Youngstown and living his entire playing and coaching life (except for a 2-year stint as Syracuse's QB coach) in the state of Ohio. Bohl has a history with Nebraska and Wisconsin, but he has as much chance of getting either of those jobs as I do. He also was Duke's defensive coordinator for one year, and a school at that level, a low-level Big Ten/Big 12/ACC job (Minnesota, Kansas, Iowa St., Syracuse, etc.), is an attainable job for him. He's not going to get a perennial top 25 job, and let's not pretend like he will.

Who's pretending? That's exactly my point.


?? He already has a perennially ranked I-AA team, why would that play into anything?

It doesn't. Reread and comprehend.


One would think Minnesota is a low-expectations job, but a lot of the fanbase wants to fire Jerry Kill after 3 years for daring to not beat Michigan and Iowa. Oh, and also for having a disease.

This is of course all relative. The 10 rapid Minnesota fans have high expectations. The other 4,999,990 Minnesotans are only mildly interested until the annual letdown bowl known as the Big Ten opener, at which point they start thinking about who the Vikings will draft in the spring. Overall, the expectations are low because of the minimal interest in the team. And Kill's ability (or inability) to do his job is certainly fair game. It's not as if Kill has arthritis or something of that nature. There is a real question about his ability to do his job and the coach himself has indicated that if he can't do his job, he's going to walk away. It only makes sense that the future would be questioned.

You don't need future NFL players to win at the JV level.

True, but Bohl not only wins, he dominates. It is rare to have the type of run he is having without having high level talent, even for his division. And of course, most successful IAA teams do have NFL talent sprinkled into the roster. Other than Turner, and the corner Williams from Hopkins, the rest of the team barely stands out even at the Division IAA level. And of course, Bohl's teams are also winning at the FBS level, with something like an 8-3 record in the last 11 years.

On this, we agree.[/QUOTE]

When Giel was on the road and then brought Bobby Ross to campus he was undercut by an administrator - I think his name was Wilderson, who got help from local media to support "the players' choice" - Gutey. Most of us knew it was a mistake at the time.

Thanks for the refresher. When I did a search on the situation, I came across a later news article from 1988 and I didn't realize that Giel and Wilderson were fired at the same time.

My main point: When people nationally roll their eyes at the Gopher athletic program, reasons for the reaction go way back and this little episode contributed to the impression.

One thing I've always wondered about is whether or not Holtz orchestrated the whole thing to get Gutey the job. I'm not a conspiracy buff, but I always wonder if Holtz was standing on the grassy knoll outside Bierman as this was all going down.

NDSU isn't Division 2. They're FCS. And they're ranked 37th in the Sagarin Ratings among all D1 programs.

I find it very hard to believe that the U would contact Bohl or anyone else this early in the season. That said, I don't at all find it hard to believe that the U would be interested in Bohl for the job if Kill can't continue. I actually think that there's a good chance Bohl wouldn't take this job either - there may well be other higher profile programs that would be interested in his services. The obvious, as has been mentioned, would be Nebraska. I think Pellini's days are numbered.

Mason? No way. I don't think he'd even consider the job. He has a sweet gig right now with the BTN.

Given the uncertainties about Kill's future, Teague would be remiss if he wasn't at least putting out feelers, or at a minimum having a short list of candidates in his top desk drawer. One would hope this is being done discreetly, and thru 3rd parties on both sides for plausible deniability. Of course, Teague has no control over whether someone like Bohl leaks a rumor, either to boost his own ego or fatten a contract.

Also, while Bohl wouldn't be my first choice if Kill has to step down, we could do a lot worse. And Kill wasn't our first choice last time around. Granted, the program isn't the dumpsterfire it was at the end of the Brewster regime, but people are deluding themselves if they think Chris Peterson's or some other hot commodity is going to jump at the opportunity. Heck, we'd be lucky to get Bohl if Nebraska calls. Plus USC and probably Texas will be hiring a new coach. Hey, Lane Kiffin is available...

If the Basketball opening was any indicator, Bohl won't even be considered. Teague wants a splash hire, preferrably fairly young that can energize. That's not Bohl...

Why do some Bison fans pretend that Bohl invented the Bison success? Worked with people from North Dakota for 20 years plus. They've all said that NDSU has had a very good football program for a lot of years now. Even the UND Grads freely state that. Here's the record of the NDSU Coaches. That last column is the number of conference titles each coach had.

24 Jim Wacker 1976–1978 24-9-1 2
25 Don Morton 1979–1984 57-15-0 4
26 Earle Solomonson 1985–1986 24-2-1 2
27 Rocky Hager 1987–1996 91-25-1 5
28 Bob Babich 1997–2002 46-22-0 0
29 Craig Bohl 2003–present 94-32-0 3

You'll notice a couple of familiar names in there. Maybe you'll notice more. It also could be the reason that many of their fans, when saying what a slam dunk Bohl would be at the FBS level, act as if Bohl was proceeded by a bunch of clowns. He most certainly wasn't.

Though the other thing that all those North Dakota people said, some from Fargo and even some NDSU grads, was that many of the Bison fans are clowns.

Those coming here seem set on proving that.

Given the uncertainties about Kill's future, Teague would be remiss if he wasn't at least putting out feelers, or at a minimum having a short list of candidates in his top desk drawer. One would hope this is being done discreetly, and thru 3rd parties on both sides for plausible deniability. Of course, Teague has no control over whether someone like Bohl leaks a rumor, either to boost his own ego or fatten a contract.

Also, while Bohl wouldn't be my first choice if Kill has to step down, we could do a lot worse. And Kill wasn't our first choice last time around. Granted, the program isn't the dumpsterfire it was at the end of the Brewster regime, but people are deluding themselves if they think Chris Peterson's or some other hot commodity is going to jump at the opportunity. Heck, we'd be lucky to get Bohl if Nebraska calls. Plus USC and probably Texas will be hiring a new coach. Hey, Lane Kiffin is available...

Absolutely not.

There is absolutely zero reason to do anything before the end of the season. At this point it is all about showing support for the rest of the season. Can you imagine how Teague/U would look if it got out he was putting out feelers? You think Souhan got some grief?

At the end of the season there may or may not be decisions to be made, but not during the season. If Kill were not able to finish the season the U would do like every other school does; they would name and interim coach from the current staff.....that protocol is already in place with this staff.

If the Basketball opening was any indicator, Bohl won't even be considered. Teague wants a splash hire, preferrably fairly young that can energize. That's not Bohl...

I don't necessarily think the BB and FB model go hand in hand. I think Bohl would seriously be considered if there were an opening at the U.

Why do some Bison fans pretend that Bohl invented the Bison success? Worked with people from North Dakota for 20 years plus. They've all said that NDSU has had a very good football program for a lot of years now. Even the UND Grads freely state that. Here's the record of the NDSU Coaches. That last column is the number of conference titles each coach had.

24 Jim Wacker 1976–1978 24-9-1 2
25 Don Morton 1979–1984 57-15-0 4
26 Earle Solomonson 1985–1986 24-2-1 2
27 Rocky Hager 1987–1996 91-25-1 5
28 Bob Babich 1997–2002 46-22-0 0
29 Craig Bohl 2003–present 94-32-0 3

You'll notice a couple of familiar names in there. Maybe you'll notice more. It also could be the reason that many of their fans, when saying what a slam dunk Bohl would be at the FBS level, act as if Bohl was proceeded by a bunch of clowns. He most certainly wasn't.

Though the other thing that all those North Dakota people said, some from Fargo and even some NDSU grads, was that many of the Bison fans are clowns.

Those coming here seem set on proving that.

Ron Erhardt when I was up there:
22 Ron Erhardt 1966–1972 67-7-1 3(conference titles) 2(D-II national titles-68 & 69)

I don't necessarily think the BB and FB model go hand in hand. I think Bohl would seriously be considered if there were an opening at the U.

That depends on whether the BB model is a female or not.

Absolutely not.

There is absolutely zero reason to do anything before the end of the season. At this point it is all about showing support for the rest of the season. Can you imagine how Teague/U would look if it got out he was putting out feelers? You think Souhan got some grief?

At the end of the season there may or may not be decisions to be made, but not during the season. If Kill were not able to finish the season the U would do like every other school does; they would name and interim coach from the current staff.....that protocol is already in place with this staff.

I agree that there is absolutely no need to make a decision on a new hire, or even make a move before the end of the season, unless something drastic were to change in Kill's condition. But anyone running a multi-million dollar enterprise, as Teague is doing, would be incompetent if he doesn't have at least some contingency plans on replacing people. At our company we call it HOO or "Health Of the Organization". Usually it's to deal with scenarios like retirements or people leaving for other opportunities, not a debilitating medical condition. And I'd bet Teague has a list like that for all his coaches, not just Kill.

Whether or not Teague is working the phones (yet) on something like this is a totally different question. And part of the reason Teague is making six figures is so if he is having discussions along those lines that a yahoo like Souhan isn't writing about it. Say what you like about Maturi, hiring Tubby was a masterful stroke. Didn't work out the way anyone wanted, but it was a helluva get at the time. If and when a change has to be made, that's what I'd want to see out of our AD. And FTR, I certainly want Kill to continue here and be successful, but you're deluding yourself to think the current situation is sustainable.

I agree that there is absolutely no need to make a decision on a new hire, or even make a move before the end of the season, unless something drastic were to change in Kill's condition. But anyone running a multi-million dollar enterprise, as Teague is doing, would be incompetent if he doesn't have at least some contingency plans on replacing people. At our company we call it HOO or "Health Of the Organization". Usually it's to deal with scenarios like retirements or people leaving for other opportunities, not a debilitating medical condition. And I'd bet Teague has a list like that for all his coaches, not just Kill.

Whether or not Teague is working the phones (yet) on something like this is a totally different question. And part of the reason Teague is making six figures is so if he is having discussions along those lines that a yahoo like Souhan isn't writing about it. Say what you like about Maturi, hiring Tubby was a masterful stroke. Didn't work out the way anyone wanted, but it was a helluva get at the time. If and when a change has to be made, that's what I'd want to see out of our AD. And FTR, I certainly want Kill to continue here and be successful, but you're deluding yourself to think the current situation is sustainable.

There is absolutely nothing to be gained by taking any action at this point in time.

Hiring Tubby was never a masterful stroke. It may have seemed that way at the time but Maturi was making six figures at the time to see through the situation. He failed.

I agree that there is absolutely no need to make a decision on a new hire, or even make a move before the end of the season, unless something drastic were to change in Kill's condition. But anyone running a multi-million dollar enterprise, as Teague is doing, would be incompetent if he doesn't have at least some contingency plans on replacing people. At our company we call it HOO or "Health Of the Organization". Usually it's to deal with scenarios like retirements or people leaving for other opportunities, not a debilitating medical condition. And I'd bet Teague has a list like that for all his coaches, not just Kill.

Agree fully. Granted, I doubt he's sitting there calling coaches outright saying something like "hey, we're not sure if Jerry's going to keep coaching or not, if he doesn't would you be interested?" But on the same sense I'd bet someone has contacted an agent or two on the down low and asked vague questions like "would they ever consider a position in an AQ conference if one opened?", "how would they feel being in a metropolitan area?", "do they like lutefisk?" (OK, probably not the last one). :)

Just for curiosity sake, who's our "Pat Fitzgerald"? Ex player, on the staff or has been, young, smart, died in wool gopher, etc...????

Just for curiosity sake, who's our "Pat Fitzgerald"? Ex player, on the staff or has been, young, smart, died in wool gopher, etc...????

There was Norries Wilson, but he got canned at Columbia and now is running back coach at Rutgers.

Our brightest hope is Tony Levine setting the world on fire at Houston...just not too much fire or he'll pull a Sumlin and get a better job than here. Beat Penn State as interim coach two years ago, 5-7 last year, 4-0 this year. Houston is Big East bound next year. Sumlin was on Wacker and Mason's coaching staffs.


Doesnt look like Cory Sauter's tearing it up at Southwest Minnesota State.....won't be moving up the ranks anytime soon.

EDIT: Slipped my mind......MARC TREASTMAN!!!!

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